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Start Earning Commissions with the Activity Search API v2

A few months back, the beta version of Activity Search API v2 made its public debut at HACKTIVE, where developers and designers put the ACTIVE APIs to the test as they innovated new ways of getting people active. Today, ACTIVE Network is proud to announce the official launch of the new Activity Search API v2 with affiliate tracking! Now, third-party developers can begin earning commissions for registrations driven through this API. The current Activity APIs will remain online for six additional months, which will give you plenty of time to upgrade your applications to the new Activity Search API v2 (see API Transition Plan below for more details).

What Is the New Activity Search API v2?
The launch of this new Activity Search API v2 will unlock loads of data and flexibility for app developers. It processes simple HTTP GET requests and returns results in JSON.  The API supports keyword search against ACTIVE assets, result restriction to a particular location, and result filtering based on asset metadata. All activity registrations are completed online at ACTIVE.com. The reason this is so exciting is because we’ve also been working tirelessly to standardize our event and activity data across the company.

What Does That Mean To You?
We take event and activity data of any quality and completeness and utilize machine learning algorithms and text mining techniques to assess, clean, classify, and vastly improve the quality of the data to a form suitable for feeding into the comprehensive list of world-wide events and activities offered through Active.com.  The system also ensures proper naming, categorizing, and search optimization of each event, while breaking the data down into independent sub-components, each of which can be enhanced and accessed separately. Subsequent re-submissions of these events are detected upon ingestion, de-duplicated, and smartly re-assigned the prior final changes depending on what data is new for even faster time-to-live improved data on update. No longer will you need to remove duplicate events or create special “workarounds” to pull the correct data. Basically, there will be even more events in the database and you can find the events that you are looking for more easily via the Activity Search API v2.

Enhancements Galore
Here are some of the new features you’ll find in the Activity Search API v2:

  • Additional Events Available – All new events submitted to our database will be available through the Activity Search API v2. The existing Activity API will slowly receive fewer updates and less event volume. If you’re just starting to build your app, then make sure you’re building with the Activity Search API v2.
  • REST Service – Supports JSON results returned by the API
  • Expanded Data Set –Eliminates need for the Activity Details API making for a simpler integration
  • Extra Classifications and tags – assets  allow for more refined search capability using new parameters
  • Combined schema – services all activity types (e.g. Camps, Classes, Races, Events)
  • Standardized Attributes – e.g. Distance, Age Group
  • Improved geo-location – Much improved latitude/longitude values to aid in location-based searches

API Transition Plan
All applications need to update their implementation to use the new Activity Search API v2 by August 1st, 2014— approximately six months from now. To get there in the most effective manner, here is our migration plan:

  • Starting April 1st, 2014, all applications using the existing Activity API will have their rate limits slowly reduced as we have marked this API for end-of-life on August 1st, 2014.
  • A rate limit of 10K calls per day will be instituted on these API keys and will be decreased by 2K calls per month until the API is sunset.
  • If you register your existing (or new) application and start using the Activity Search API v2 now, you will _not_ be throttled/rate limited. We therefore highly encourage you to start using the new Activity Search API v2 keys as soon as possible.

Getting Started
Here is a quick start guide to the developer portal to help you begin building your application using an Activity Search API v2 key:

Register — http://developer.active.com/member/register
Documentation — http://developer.active.com/docs/
Interactive IO Docs — http://developer.active.com/io-docs
Developer Forum — http://developer.active.com/forum

We value our developer community and have thought about this API launch carefully. If you have any inquires, feedback, or issues related to the new API, please comment it in the forum and we’ll keep the discussion going there.

The Prediction API: An Ensemble

Last week I posted an intro to our new Prediction API, with a simplified walk-through in Python, starting from a set of asset descriptions labeled with topics and ending up with a topic prediction web service that accepts text and outputs topics and probabilities. This week we're going to extend that example by adding a few more predictive models and a method to combine them into a stronger overall prediction that can capture variability in the algorithms and the data. Since this isn't really a math, stats, or machine learning blog, I'll give quick overviews of the algorithms and link to more details in footnotes. [tldr]

Building a Predictive Model

There are three basic steps to building a predictive model:
  1. Extract and process features from your data. For these examples, this means pulling out n-grams from our asset descriptions and vectorizing them. I'll post more about various methods for this later.
  2. Separate out training data to cover all your labels and a portion for testing. Here, our labels are the asset topics. There are many ways to do this, but for simplicity we just set aside a random portion of all the data.
  3. Run the training data through the algorithm many times with varying parameters and predict labels with your test data, assessing the model with some statistics or metrics. Repeat until your model performs to your liking.
Once the model is built, you can save it off and load it up as needed.

Multinomial Naive Bayes (NB) Classifier

The naive Bayes1 is a probabilistic model, so for every class (topic here) we have, the model gives a percent likelihood that some data should be labeled with that class. That likelihood is based on a given set of features we extract from the data. In the last post, we extracted n-grams and created a vector of n-gram counts and used them as features. The inverse concept is that each feature has a particular probability of being part of class. NB makes use of these relationships to learn the overall probabilities of each feature for each class.
class_index(feat1,,featn)=argmaxc p(C=c)i=0np(Fi=feati|C=c).

NB makes some assumptions, including that the probability of a feature for a particular class is independent of the probabilities of the other features for that or any other class. This is counter-intuitive. After all, wouldn't the co-occurrence of both "mud" and "run" be a better indicator of a "mud run", and isn't it unlikely that "mud" would occur without "run" in this context? Well, we capture this in part by taking n-grams of 1, 2, and 3 tokens, but the assumption of independence actually proves to be less of an issue than you might think. More importantly, it means we don't need to calculate the cross-correlation of all the features and that saves lots of processing time.

The Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Support vector machines2 are popular and very powerful methods for classification. The general idea is to draw some sort of separating line between populations of data which maximizes their separation, given a set of constraints, by maximizing the "margin" — the distance of that separator from the nearest training data point. The data can be mapped to higher dimensions using the "kernel trick" to achieve better separation:
SVM separation and kernel trick

Of course, there are many ways to define and draw a line, but the fastest is a straight line and the linear SVMs are quite fast. By altering variables in the algorithm, you can adjust how this line is drawn, favoring things like good overall separation (large margin) over classification mistakes in the training data (error rate). Adjusting this trade-off is called "regularization", and amounts to adjusting the size and complexity of how the margin is represented. You may still want the best separating line even if some data points are on the wrong side or in the space between. However, as you test lines, you may want to penalize these data points, and you may want to do that differently depending on what the error was. This is done with so called "loss" functions. Varying regularization and loss functions affects results, but also processing time (both in training and in testing, and not necessarily the same way).
Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) Search
While searching for a solution to a problem like a line to separate data points, a common method is to sample some spot in the data, draw a line, test the separation, and then move intelligently to another spot. Doing this repeatedly over all possible spots would eventually find the best separator, but in large data sets it would take forever. The gradient descent method takes graded steps based on the comparisons during the testing and can eventually make assumptions about spots in the data it didn't visit based on spots it did visit. However, this can still be time-consuming. Another variation called stochastic gradient descent3 tries to estimate areas of the data by repeatedly taking random samples of the data and descending, building up an approximation of the data and the best solution. This process can adjust itself via a learning rate variable and has proven very efficient for large data sets, compared to normal gradient descent. One nice side result of needing sub-samples of the data is that the learning can be done online, meaning you can learn or update the classification as the data comes in.
Passive-Aggressive Loss Modification
When you add functions to regularize or compute loss, you are also adding points of variability where you can decide to do more. The Passive-Agressive4 algorithm is one such modifier which acts passively for data points with no loss according to some loss function, and aggressively with data points causing loss, to varying extents, to modify the loss function.
Passive-Aggressive loss modification

This guarantees that there is some non-zero margin at each update and means it can also be performed online. This was an addition Google made to weed out search result spam (2004-2005) and reduced it by 50%.


Each of these methods has some level of internal scoring used to compare across the data and labels. Typically, to create a classifier out of these algorithms we extract that score and call the best performer the winner. For probabilistic models this is the label with the highest probability, and for SVM this is the label furthest from the separating line (largest margin distance). This is fine for comparing multiple runs on the same algorithm and getting the prediction. However, how do these scores relate to each other, and how can they be compared across algorithms? For example, if an SVM algorithm for a particular prediction suggests "Swimming" with a distance of 6.12 and a Bayes algorithm suggests "Triathlon" with a probability of 0.85, which one should we put the most confidence in? What do we do with negative distances or zero probabilities? Unfortunately, there are several ways to do this and none of them are consensus.
There are also several metrics used to assess the overall performance of a classifier. The typical metrics are precision and recall, and we can combine these two in what is called the F1 score. To account for varying label representation ("support", or how many examples of a label you have in your training data), the F1 score can be weighted by the support for each label.


Combining models like this is generally termed an "ensemble" method. To accomplish this in our Prediction API, we do a few things:
  1. Normalize the distances in the SVM models (convert them to a uniform set of percentages)
  2. Adjust the normalized distance by internal probabilities of being on one side or the other of the margin to help compare
  3. Adjust probabilities or distances by the per-label weighted F1 score achieved on testing data for each model
  4. Average these resulting scores over all the models to get an overall top prediction.
The "adjust" step can take several forms, and other things can be done, like calibrating the probabilities to the actual distribution of labels in the test set, or track distances throughout the training process for correlation normalization across all labels, etc. These are all things you can play with once you get the basics running smoothly.
So now let's build these...
This walk-through picks up on the prior post, veering off at code input step 5.*

We'll use the probabilistic Naive Bayes method good for this type of data, with sklearn's MultinomialNB predictor, as well as two variations of the linear SVM from sklearn: SGDClassifier and PassiveAgressiveClassifier.
In [5]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier, PassiveAggressiveClassifier
models = []
models.append(SGDClassifier(alpha=.0001, loss='modified_huber',n_iter=50,n_jobs=-1,random_state=42,penalty='l2'))
Save off the built models for later use, as well as some stats and metrics about the performance:
In [6]:
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn import metrics
results = {}
for model in models:
    model_name = type(model).__name__
    model.fit(X_train, Y_train)
    joblib.dump(model, "models/topics."+model_name+".pkl")
    pred = model.predict(X_test)
    class_f1 = metrics.f1_score(Y_test, pred, average=None)
    model_f1 = metrics.f1_score(Y_test, pred)
    model_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test, pred)
    probs = None
    norm = False
        probs = model.predict_proba(X_test)
    if probs is None:
            probs = model.decision_function(X_test)
            norm = True
            print "Unable to extract probabilities"
    results[model_name] = { "pred": pred, 
                            "probs": probs, 
                            "norm": norm, 
                            "class_f1": class_f1, 
                            "f1": model_f1, 
                            "accuracy": model_acc }
{'MultinomialNB': {'accuracy': 0.90317052270779774,
  'class_f1': array([ 0.91176471,  0.78378378,  0.92307692,  1.        ,  0.73226545,
        0.98550725,  1.        ,  0.92727273,  0.83783784,  0.66666667,
        0.92307692,  0.96551724,  0.96969697,  0.7826087 ,  0.81818182,
        0.94117647,  0.80952381,  0.95652174,  0.90740741,  0.72727273,
        0.8       ,  0.90909091,  0.88888889,  0.85714286,  0.82848837,
        0.84615385,  0.91542289,  1.        ,  0.93167702,  0.9375    ,
        1.        ,  0.95238095,  0.90909091,  0.85714286,  1.        ,
        0.9       ,  0.90909091,  0.77777778,  0.9       ,  0.89189189,
        0.92134831,  0.9       ,  0.99386503,  0.96296296,  1.        ,
        0.81481481,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.9726776 ,
        0.88888889,  0.81481481,  1.        ,  0.93506494,  0.66666667,
        1.        ,  0.9       ,  0.66666667,  0.77727952,  0.92307692,
        0.88461538,  0.86956522,  0.88479263,  0.93023256,  0.95302013,
        0.88888889,  0.91428571,  1.        ,  0.78571429,  0.81818182,
        0.95238095,  0.95238095,  1.        ,  0.8       ,  0.92134831,
        0.75      ,  0.9       ,  0.95686275,  0.84210526,  0.92307692,
        0.92982456,  0.90909091,  0.975     ,  0.98630137,  0.83333333,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  0.99043977,  0.76923077,  0.76923077,
        0.72      ,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.92561983,  0.76923077,
        0.86842105,  0.6728972 ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.9819376 ,
  'f1': 0.90425650714576233,
  'norm': False,
  'pred': array([ 80.,  34.,  40., ...,  80.,  80.,  99.]),
  'probs': array([[  2.40973619e-073,   4.61021751e-072,   1.49431625e-083, ...,
          7.06802900e-070,   7.87538237e-085,   3.95436935e-092],
       [  3.84477547e-009,   2.73354066e-009,   5.04147141e-009, ...,
          5.64165086e-009,   4.27726628e-010,   6.96643800e-010],
       [  1.35237976e-033,   1.55981122e-026,   5.27750168e-031, ...,
          1.38907003e-031,   1.91871068e-040,   7.90134376e-023],
       [  7.00464283e-021,   1.42085525e-019,   1.08346607e-027, ...,
          8.18649153e-026,   7.52087143e-027,   4.42046005e-023],
       [  1.04982806e-049,   1.33612621e-047,   5.33165094e-045, ...,
          8.20836489e-049,   2.76637762e-060,   1.15624776e-058],
       [  4.77707280e-230,   6.78060805e-227,   2.04462450e-214, ...,
          4.03932473e-212,   1.00000000e+000,   9.62285611e-258]])},
 'PassiveAggressiveClassifier': {'accuracy': 0.91533847472150809,
  'class_f1': array([ 0.86956522,  0.85714286,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.6450116 ,
        0.98550725,  1.        ,  0.92592593,  0.90909091,  0.90909091,
        1.        ,  0.96551724,  0.96969697,  0.81818182,  0.9       ,
        0.875     ,  0.97142857,  1.        ,  0.92982456,  0.88888889,
        0.85714286,  0.88888889,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.86111111,
        0.88      ,  0.97354497,  1.        ,  0.92215569,  0.96774194,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  0.76923077,  0.86075949,  0.98876404,
        0.97560976,  1.        ,  0.94117647,  0.94736842,  0.92715232,
        0.92045455,  0.78947368,  0.98159509,  0.94871795,  1.        ,
        0.775     ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.97777778,
        0.88      ,  0.88      ,  1.        ,  0.86567164,  1.        ,
        1.        ,  0.84210526,  0.66666667,  0.85557084,  0.93333333,
        0.89361702,  0.91304348,  0.91402715,  0.95348837,  0.94520548,
        0.91304348,  0.8       ,  1.        ,  0.89655172,  0.76923077,
        0.93023256,  0.95081967,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.93478261,
        0.8       ,  0.95238095,  0.99230769,  0.92307692,  0.96296296,
        0.92156863,  0.90909091,  0.96202532,  1.        ,  0.86746988,
        0.97560976,  0.97297297,  0.98846154,  0.75555556,  0.83333333,
        0.9       ,  0.8       ,  1.        ,  0.94736842,  0.9375    ,
        0.9382716 ,  0.7804878 ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.98846787,
  'f1': 0.91627947823867106,
  'norm': True,
  'pred': array([ 80.,  34.,  24., ...,   4.,  80.,  99.]),
  'probs': array([[-6.50553156, -7.33053267, -5.86251708, ..., -6.3615013 ,
        -4.61827337, -4.99723938],
       [-1.42865833, -1.30183262, -1.276344  , ..., -1.28003285,
        -1.32275774, -1.53379058],
       [-1.86725075, -2.50969362, -1.77919327, ..., -1.79010457,
        -1.74044571, -1.64161697],
       [-2.10958176, -1.57150069, -2.75524001, ..., -3.05243249,
        -2.32612049, -2.33553294],
       [-2.85613606, -5.13216583, -3.12312947, ..., -3.39208034,
        -3.37134486, -2.82044267],
       [-4.74802868, -8.87368108, -5.07165789, ..., -4.46875551,
         4.16080753, -6.87427149]])},
 'SGDClassifier': {'accuracy': 0.91088260497000861,
  'class_f1': array([ 0.92307692,  0.79411765,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.67613636,
        0.97142857,  1.        ,  0.93883792,  0.94117647,  0.71428571,
        0.97142857,  0.96551724,  0.96969697,  0.80952381,  0.94736842,
        0.82352941,  0.94444444,  0.97777778,  0.91076923,  0.88888889,
        0.94117647,  0.93333333,  1.        ,  0.85714286,  0.84709066,
        0.84615385,  0.94972067,  1.        ,  0.93251534,  0.85714286,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.85333333,  1.        ,
        0.95238095,  1.        ,  0.94117647,  0.94736842,  0.91275168,
        0.93491124,  0.81081081,  0.98765432,  0.94871795,  1.        ,
        0.79487179,  0.96774194,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.97206704,
        0.83333333,  0.84615385,  0.95652174,  0.88888889,  1.        ,
        1.        ,  0.83333333,  0.66666667,  0.82099596,  0.91479821,
        0.83333333,  0.88372093,  0.92727273,  0.94382022,  0.97183099,
        0.93023256,  0.875     ,  0.95652174,  0.93333333,  0.86956522,
        0.95238095,  0.95081967,  0.8       ,  1.        ,  0.87058824,
        0.8       ,  0.95238095,  0.9765625 ,  0.86486486,  0.96296296,
        0.91327148,  0.66666667,  0.98734177,  0.95652174,  0.89156627,
        0.97560976,  0.96363636,  0.97475728,  0.80952381,  0.8       ,
        0.95238095,  0.75      ,  1.        ,  0.96491228,  0.9375    ,
        0.95121951,  0.72941176,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.98839138,
  'f1': 0.91022607629402619,
  'norm': True,
  'pred': array([ 80.,  34.,  40., ...,  80.,  80.,  99.]),
  'probs': array([[ -2.26147719,  -8.27192811,  -4.92650663, ...,  -6.28101298,
         -4.394243  ,  -5.40679641],
       [ -5.28684017,  -6.85913339,  -6.07070456, ...,  -6.38595219,
         -4.88673419,  -8.5894273 ],
       [ -5.44502194,  -7.45632928,  -6.12684297, ...,  -6.38543615,
         -5.01141554,  -8.79847179],
       [ -3.62707077,  -5.61320527,  -5.65215132, ...,  -6.35567368,
         -5.028778  ,  -8.08235843],
       [ -5.02315463,  -7.26758048,  -5.8154445 , ...,  -6.52950791,
         -5.16125362,  -9.12372876],
       [ -6.22352808,  -7.47187108,  -6.1562682 , ...,  -6.45018436,
          6.56404494, -11.14563358]])}}
Let's define the scoring functions: compute_confidence performs the first portion to convert distances to a measure of confidence (or use probabilities if available), and then format them. normalize_distances does the conversion we need for SVM. predict does the prediction and computes the confidence.
In [7]:
def normalize_distances(probs):
    # get the probabilities of a positive and negative distance
    pPos = float(len(np.where(np.array(probs) > 0)[0])) / float(len(probs))
    pNeg = float(len(np.where(np.array(probs) < 0)[0])) / float(len(probs))
    if pNeg > 0:
        probs[np.where(probs > 0)] *= pNeg
    if pPos > 0:
        probs[np.where(probs < 0)] *= pPos
    # subtract the mean and divide by standard deviation if non-zero
    probs_std = np.std(probs, ddof=1)
    if probs_std != 0:
        probs = (probs - np.mean(probs)) / probs_std
    # divide by the range if non-zero
    pDiff = np.abs(np.max(probs) - np.min(probs))
    if pDiff != 0:
        probs /= pDiff
    return probs

def compute_confidence(probs, labels, norm=False):
    confidences = None
    class_confidence = []
    if norm:
        confidences = normalize_distances(probs)
        confidences = probs
    for c in xrange(len(confidences)):
        confidence = round(confidences[c], 2)
        if confidence != 0:
            class_confidence.append({ "label": labels[c], "confidence": confidence })
    return sorted(class_confidence, key=lambda k: k["confidence"], reverse=True)

def predict(txt, model, model_name, vectorizer, labels):
    predObj = {}
    X_data = vectorizer.transform([txt])
    pred = model.predict(X_data)
    label_id = int(pred[0])
    predObj["model"] = model_name
    predObj["label_name"] = labels[label_id]
    predObj["f1_score"] = float(results[model_name]["class_f1"][label_id])
    if results[model_name]["norm"]:
        probs = model.decision_function(X_data)[0]
        probs = model.predict_proba(X_data)[0]
    predObj["confidence"] = compute_confidence(probs, labels, norm=results[model_name]["norm"])
    return predObj
To do ensemble prediction, first we run the predict method for each model:
In [8]:
prediction_results = []
label_scores = None
model_names = []
txt = "This is a tough mud run. Tough, as in, this could be one of the hardest events you, as a runner have ever attempted. This is not a walk in the park. This is not your average neighborhood 5k. This is more fun than a marathon. This is a challenge. The obstacles were designed by military and fitness experts and will test you to the max. Push personal limits while running, crawling, climbing, jumping, dragging, and other surprise tasks that test endurance and strength. The race consists of non-competitive heats as well as a free kid's course for children age 5-13. Each heat will depart in a specific wave so the course doesn't get overcrowded."
for model in models:
    model_name = type(model).__name__
        prediction_results.append( predict(txt,
                                    model,model_name, vectorizer, unique_topics))
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error predicting" + str(e)
[{'confidence': [{'confidence': 1.0, 'label': u'Mud running'}],
  'f1_score': 0.6666666666666665,
  'label_name': u'Mud running',
  'model': 'MultinomialNB'},
 {'confidence': [{'confidence': 0.94, 'label': u'Distance running'},
   {'confidence': 0.14, 'label': u'Mud running'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Bassoon'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Dance'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Judo'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Sexual health'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Strength training'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Tuba'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Acting'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Aikido'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Bowling'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Chess'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Child care'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Chinese'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Cross country skiing'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Digital photography'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Diving'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Drawing and drafting'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Driving'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Fencing'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Flag football'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Ice hockey'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Italian'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Kayaking'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Knitting'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Painting'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Percussion and Drumming'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Pilates'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Reading and writing'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Sculpture'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Self-defence'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Skateboarding'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Table tennis'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Taxes'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Tending animals'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Theater'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Violin'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Wrestling'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Aerobics'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Ballroom dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'CPR'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Cello'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Cross country running'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'First aid and CPR'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Improv'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Mountain biking'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Photography'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Pottery and ceramics'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Snowboarding'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Spanish'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Tae Kwon Do'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Tap dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Tennis'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Tumbling'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Aquatic sports'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Creative writing'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Flute'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Ice skating'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Jewelry making'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Karate'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Skiing'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Voice and singing'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Zumba'},
   {'confidence': -0.04, 'label': u'Ballet'},
   {'confidence': -0.04, 'label': u'Hip Hop dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.04, 'label': u'Jazz dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.04, 'label': u'Lifeguarding'},
   {'confidence': -0.05, 'label': u'Guitar'},
   {'confidence': -0.06, 'label': u'Piano'}],
  'f1_score': 0.9497206703910615,
  'label_name': u'Distance running',
  'model': 'SGDClassifier'},
 {'confidence': [{'confidence': 0.6, 'label': u'Mud running'},
   {'confidence': 0.43, 'label': u'Distance running'},
   {'confidence': 0.25, 'label': u'Strength training'},
   {'confidence': 0.24, 'label': u'Chess'},
   {'confidence': 0.21, 'label': u'Cross country running'},
   {'confidence': 0.2, 'label': u'Lifeguarding'},
   {'confidence': 0.17, 'label': u'Sailing'},
   {'confidence': 0.17, 'label': u'Trail running'},
   {'confidence': 0.16, 'label': u'Mountain biking'},
   {'confidence': 0.16, 'label': u'Skateboarding'},
   {'confidence': 0.15, 'label': u'Zumba'},
   {'confidence': 0.14, 'label': u'Acting'},
   {'confidence': 0.14, 'label': u'Yoga'},
   {'confidence': 0.12, 'label': u'Badminton'},
   {'confidence': 0.11, 'label': u'Snowboarding'},
   {'confidence': 0.11, 'label': u'Surfing'},
   {'confidence': 0.1, 'label': u'Cake decorating'},
   {'confidence': 0.1, 'label': u'Karate'},
   {'confidence': 0.09, 'label': u'Archery'},
   {'confidence': 0.09, 'label': u'Drawing and drafting'},
   {'confidence': 0.09, 'label': u'Judo'},
   {'confidence': 0.09, 'label': u'Wood work'},
   {'confidence': 0.08, 'label': u'Kayaking'},
   {'confidence': 0.08, 'label': u'Piano'},
   {'confidence': 0.07, 'label': u'Aikido'},
   {'confidence': 0.07, 'label': u'Snowshoeing'},
   {'confidence': 0.07, 'label': u'Tai chi'},
   {'confidence': 0.06, 'label': u'Diving'},
   {'confidence': 0.06, 'label': u'Ice skating'},
   {'confidence': 0.06, 'label': u'Quilting'},
   {'confidence': 0.06, 'label': u'Tae Kwon Do'},
   {'confidence': 0.05, 'label': u'Chinese'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'Flute'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'French'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'Kickboxing'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'Percussion and Drumming'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'Pilates'},
   {'confidence': 0.04, 'label': u'Wrestling'},
   {'confidence': 0.03, 'label': u'Bridge'},
   {'confidence': 0.03, 'label': u'Driving'},
   {'confidence': 0.03, 'label': u'Fencing'},
   {'confidence': 0.03, 'label': u'Guitar'},
   {'confidence': 0.03, 'label': u'Tap dance'},
   {'confidence': 0.02, 'label': u'Cello'},
   {'confidence': 0.02, 'label': u'Digital photography'},
   {'confidence': 0.02, 'label': u'Saxophone'},
   {'confidence': 0.02, 'label': u'Tumbling'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'American football'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Bowling'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'French horn'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Improv'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Jazz dance'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Sexual health'},
   {'confidence': 0.01, 'label': u'Taxes'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'First aid and CPR'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Tennis'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Trombone'},
   {'confidence': -0.01, 'label': u'Trumpet'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Ballroom dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Cross country skiing'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Field hockey'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Magic'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Pottery and ceramics'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Viola'},
   {'confidence': -0.02, 'label': u'Violin'},
   {'confidence': -0.03, 'label': u'Self-defence'},
   {'confidence': -0.04, 'label': u'Photography'},
   {'confidence': -0.05, 'label': u'Ballet'},
   {'confidence': -0.05, 'label': u'Italian'},
   {'confidence': -0.06, 'label': u'Boxing'},
   {'confidence': -0.08, 'label': u'Gardening'},
   {'confidence': -0.08, 'label': u'Hip Hop dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.09, 'label': u'Spanish'},
   {'confidence': -0.1, 'label': u'Table tennis'},
   {'confidence': -0.1, 'label': u'Theater'},
   {'confidence': -0.11, 'label': u'Jewelry making'},
   {'confidence': -0.14, 'label': u'Reading and writing'},
   {'confidence': -0.15, 'label': u'Creative writing'},
   {'confidence': -0.15, 'label': u'Ice hockey'},
   {'confidence': -0.15, 'label': u'Voice and singing'},
   {'confidence': -0.16, 'label': u'Figure skating'},
   {'confidence': -0.17, 'label': u'CPR'},
   {'confidence': -0.18, 'label': u'Painting'},
   {'confidence': -0.19, 'label': u'Tending animals'},
   {'confidence': -0.25, 'label': u'Flag football'},
   {'confidence': -0.27, 'label': u'Dance'},
   {'confidence': -0.27, 'label': u'Skiing'},
   {'confidence': -0.28, 'label': u'Aquatic sports'},
   {'confidence': -0.32, 'label': u'Child care'},
   {'confidence': -0.36, 'label': u'Aerobics'},
   {'confidence': -0.36, 'label': u'Swimming'},
   {'confidence': -0.37, 'label': u'Music'},
   {'confidence': -0.4, 'label': u'Sculpture'}],
  'f1_score': 0.6666666666666666,
  'label_name': u'Mud running',
  'model': 'PassiveAggressiveClassifier'}]
Finally, we do the weighted F1 adjustment:
In [9]:
from operator import itemgetter
conf_labels = {}
scored_labels = {}
for prediction_result in prediction_results:
    if "label_name" in prediction_result:
        l_name = prediction_result["label_name"]
        f1_score = prediction_result["f1_score"]
        conf = [ float(c["confidence"]) for c in prediction_result["confidence"] if c["label"] == prediction_result["label_name"] ]
        if len(conf):
            conf = conf[0]
            conf = 0
        # update with confidence weighted by f1
        #variations are to *= f1_score, or update confidence with just the confidence
        if l_name in scored_labels.keys():
            conf_labels[l_name] += f1_score * conf
            scored_labels[l_name] += f1_score
            conf_labels[l_name] = f1_score * conf
            scored_labels[l_name] = f1_score
labels_sorted = sorted(scored_labels.iteritems(),key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)
labels_pred = []
# compute ensemble averages
num_models = len(models)
for i in xrange(len(labels_sorted)):
    label = labels_sorted[i][0]
    label_avg_f1score = float("%0.3f" % (float(labels_sorted[i][1]) / num_models))
    label_avg_conf = float("%0.3f" % (float(conf_labels[label]) / num_models))
    label_score = float("%0.3f" % (label_avg_f1score * label_avg_conf))
    labels_pred.append({ "label": label, "score": label_score })
labels_pred = sorted(labels_pred, key=lambda k: k["score"], reverse=True)
[{'label': u'Mud running', 'score': 0.158},
 {'label': u'Distance running', 'score': 0.094}]
So, there's a quick implementation of an ensemble method combining linear and probabilistic machine learning for text document classification. Next we'll go more into the web service and see how we can build models that perform their prediction faster, and how we can serve up those predictions fast enough for an enterprise-level Prediction API.
  1. Wikipedia does pretty good with its Naive Bayes page and the references therein. scikit-learn has a good description, as well.
  2. The OpenCV SVM intro page is pretty clear. scikit-learn explains SVMs, too.
  3. Wikipedia is concise and clear on SGD. scikit-learn's page is here.
  4. The canonical reference for online PA.
*Code here runs on Python 2.7.3 64-bit, with numpy 1.6.1, scipy 0.12.0, and sklearn 0.13.1. Ran/formatted with IPython 1.1.0 notepad.

The Prediction API: A new Data Science service

The Asset Service group here at ACTIVE builds and maintains a collection of services which ingest, digest, and disseminate all the data used to produce the events and their details that you find on active.com.  These "assets" come to our group with varying levels of completion — sometimes a plump data document with good descriptions, useful labels, and lots of other objects, but more often just a name, short summary, and pricing. We allow this nearly free-form submission by design to enable flexibility at the source, but this makes things somewhat tricky when serving them up for easy searching.

To bring the quality of the data to a form suitable for feeding the comprehensive list of world-wide events and activities offered by The Active Network as part of our technology solutions products, we created the Asset Service. Within it is an automated asset processing workflow system that utilizes (among other things) machine learning algorithms and text mining techniques to assess, clean, classify, and generally improve the original submission.  Plugging extensible data science into a large workflow that is core to our technology, and which requires high accuracy and availability, isn't necessarily simple, but the end results can still be quite elegant.  We recently launched a new Prediction API for use in our automated asset processing workflow which illustrates some of the challenges this presents and which serves as a nice piece of data science infrastructure upon which we will be building.  I’d like share with you these challenges and the implementation we chose for this particular API as an introduction to data science here at ACTIVE, including a walk-through to build and serve a machine learning model for classification.  

First, a little background. [tldr]

Asset Processing Overview

The automated asset processing workflow uses an intelligent combination of data science and business logic in the form of self-contained workflow elements. These enable the most efficient data improvement in the shortest amount of time, in concert with ongoing evaluation against statistically determined thresholds for applying changes or signaling next steps. It is all fed with self-evaluating metrics to dictate future enhancements to the workflow process.  Every step includes various measures culminating in a pass or fail threshold decision, from which subsequent steps are taken.  Each step also feeds a number of real-time accessors to the data (e.g MongoDB, our Recommendation API, ElasticSearch), allowing both immediate availability and near-term improved data.  The system ensures proper naming, categorizing, geolocation, and search optimization of each event, while breaking the data down into independent sub-components, each of which can be enhanced and accessed separately (e.g. Places, Organizations, Topics, etc.). Each step also allows for a final evaluation of the need for human intervention, in which case it flags and presents the data piece as a task to specialized event researchers for manual improvement via a web-based GUI.  Subsequent re-submissions of these events are detected upon ingestion, de-duplicated, and smartly re-assigned the prior final changes depending on what data is new for even faster time-to-live improved data on update operations.

Asset Topics

The main taxonomy of assets on active.com is based on descriptive topics.  These range from very general at the top level ("Endurance", "Health") to very specific ("Trail running", "Vegetarian cooking"), and aid in indexing events for fast searching and recommendation.  Topics are rarely included in the data submitted to us (though we do encourage it).  If they are, they are typically too general or inaccurate (perhaps designed to boost search with better-performing but unrelated topics).  Thus, we have to automatically classify each asset with a proper topic or set of topics as part of asset processing.  We do this in the typical fashion, using text mining and predictive classification algorithms, including support vector machines, probabilistic learning algorithms, unsupervised clustering, and tree-based methods.  In subsequent blogs, I’ll talk in more detail about how we accomplish this.  Standing up an API to make use of the predictive models we build, with the speed and availability needed for in-lining to our workflow, presents unique requirements apart from other types of service APIs.

Prediction API

The new Prediction API (code-named Sibyl) is currently slated for internal use, but designed for expansion outside the realm of asset processing.  Obviously, we want the API to offer reliable, accurate, and fast prediction of topics when given an asset or text data.  We also want it to offer a pluggable set of methods repeatable for predicting other useful label-type data, such as categories (“class”, “race”, “conference”, etc.), meta-interests (“mud run”, “kids”, “military”, etc.), attributes (“High School”, “10k”, “Beginner”, etc.), and tags (user-derived).  Finally, the prediction technique needed to result in something we could slot right into a nice web service that we could simply call, like a geolocation service.

Right tools for the job

I’m a firm believer that groups need to standardize languages, stacks, and technologies in general.  However, sometimes a project requires a foreign technology to be done right.  At ACTIVE, we recognize the business need for tech consolidation, but we also realize that any project that seems to not be a fit for the current stack also arose from a business need.  It’s a series of weighting exercises to decide if we pursue the new tech. 
Tech Requirements
We had several technology and usage needs going into this.  These covered the usual things like database connectivity and web server tools, but there are several additional needs.
First, of course, we need the data processing and algorithms.
1)   A language and/or set of libraries that:
  • → Can process 200k or more documents rapidly (in seconds) for vectorization (n-gram counts, tf/idf, scaling, SVD/PCA, hashing, etc.)
  • → Offers lots of well-maintained and vetted algorithms for classification (SVM and linear SVM, self-organizing maps and other neural network methods, Bayes and other statistical and probabilistic learning techniques, tree-based methods, etc.)
  • → Provides measures of performance, parameter sweeping, and lots of stats
  • → Enables multiclass (as opposed to binary) and multilabel (“green” and “fast” as opposed to “green” or “fast”) prediction options
  • → Amenable to a prediction ensemble setup (combining different algorithms)
Along with the data science, we need to handle linear algebra (matrix math) and multithreading.
2)   Mathematics and performance needs
  • → Sparse matrices support
    • › 150k assets with 20k features = 3x10^9 matrix members
  • → Optimized parallel processing (threads and processes)
    • › We need models in minutes and predictions in milliseconds
To serve up predictions as an API, we need TCP capabilities.
3)   We wanted the same language for the API web server
  • → Fast to support inclusion of prediction in the asset processing workflow, or any other place
  • → Support for proxy and reverse proxy (like nginx)
  • → Security
  • → JSON support
  • → Pre-forking and event loop support
To account for data drift, changing consumer and organizer trends, product shifts, etc., we need the system to self-correct (mostly).
4)   We want to be able to retrain and deploy new models effortlessly:
  • → As new data comes in
    • › reach a threshold
    • › rebuild models
    • › self-assess
    • › plug and deploy or rebuild with new parameters
  • → As issues arise
Once built, we didn’t want to have to build something else for the next data science project, so it needs to be extendable for the foreseeable future.
5)   Support for future work with the same train-test-deploy workflow
  • → Unsupervised clustering
  • → similarity algorithms for recommendations
  • → custom classification and clustering algorithm development
We also needed the usual suspects.
6)   Database and queue connectivity (Oracle, MongoDB, queues like beanstalkd and MQ implementations, etc.)
7)   Monitoring ability (monit, New Relic, etc.)
8)   Easily understood and maintained
  • → Devs without a data science background should be able to:
    • › plug in new DS-derived functions
    • › create new web server routes and API endpoints
    • › adjust API output
    • › add and apply basic stats and counting
    • › code review
  • → Data scientist devs should be able to extend it easily
So, what languages or libraries offer this?


Mahout and Weka are the go-to guys for machine learning like this in Java.  Our asset processing workflow is a combination of Java, Ruby, node.js, and C, so Java would work for us.  However, we didn’t have the support to build out a Hadoop cluster for which Mahout works at its best, many classification algorithms in Mahout are not yet implemented or awaiting patches, Weka is a bit disorganized, and both are far slower than our needs.  We really couldn’t see putting either of these as a backbone in a production environment.


Our core active.com technology is Ruby-based and Ruby is great for all but the math and machine learning.  We could use the libsvm bindings, write our own with manual linear algebra manipulations, or extend some of existing, unmaintained ones.  This was far to restricting or required too much reinvention.  As interest in data science grows, and as APIs like this become more mainstream, Ruby will probably grow a few really good gems to handle all of this. 


Clearly systems like R and MATLAB have excellent math functionality and machine learning packages.  However, the web and server offerings are quite limited and enterprise-level solutions are far too expensive.


We could easily build things in R or MATLAB rapidly, export the models and translate them into functions to run prediction in another language (or run queues and daemons for this), and serve up the results in yet another language.  However, too many moving parts and different languages becomes a nightmare with version changes, language updates, and changing requirements.


Python has an enormous scientific community, flush with well-maintained libraries for advanced mathematics, statistics, signal processing, and machine learning (see the SciPy stack).  The mathematics are backed by high-performance C libraries (like ATLAS) and other C-level access is easy. Multithreading and multiprocessing are well-established (and getting better) in Python, and it supports running Java or C code if needed.  Web servers in Python are as easy and (nearly) as performant as they are in node.js.  So, to meet all the required and desired features, we went with Python.
Following are some simplified examples of how easy machine learning as a service in Python can be.  Of course, our full Prediction API is more complicated, but all you devs should be able to see how you can build a full-blown service around this little example.*
In Python, there is a package called scikit learn which covers most of the machine learning we need to do, along with most of data prep and model assessment.  The first step is to get your text data into a vector that can be used in predicting.  For example, let's assume you have text documents for events with a description field (you can snag a ton of events with our Activity Search API or other Activity APIs), and that each event has a topic, and they are in some text file "topics_events.json".  Here is an excerpt:
{ "event": { "topic": "Hip Hop dance", "text": "Pre-School Tumbling/ Hip Hop    " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Distance running", "text": "Santito Youth Talent Ministry Mile Run/Walk    " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Yoga", "text": "Pre/Post-Natal Yoga M Yoga is an ideal form of exercise before, during, and after pregnancy, and is safe and nurturing, Maintain strength and flexibility, combat fatigue, swelling, back ache and nausea, calm nerves and increase relaxation while reducing common discomforts. Moms and babies welcome. Instructor: Dana Chamblin.  " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Dance", "text": "Cardio Line Dancing at Haines This activity takes line dancing to a whole new level. Get a cardiovascular workout and learn a variety of moves and experience many genres of music.  " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Distance running", "text": "The 32nd Annual Skunk Cabbage Classic Run Preregistration: $20, must be postmarked by Friday, February 15, 2013; $25.00 from February16, 2013-April 8th, 2013. Race day registration $35 until 9:45 a.m. race day.  " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Photography", "text": "Photography Class with Ron St. Germain Whether your camera is an old one from the closet or the newest technology, this class will familiarize you with all of its buttons and functions. You will learn the basics in a fun and easily understood way with entertaining slide presentations and plenty of time to ask questions each week from 5-time International Award winning outdoor photographer, Ron St. Germain. For detailed information, check his website at  www.daphotodude.com .  " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Creative writing", "text": "Memoir Writing (6/27-7/18)    Memoirs are your memories. Learn how to convert your memories into interesting stories to pass down to future generations. Participants will learn how to connect with the great, great, great grandchildren that they will never meet and show them what their lives were like.   " } }
{ "event": { "topic": "Yoga", "text": " Fall Exercise, 01a Mommy   Me (Mon)    " } }
First, we read it into a manageable object while cleaning text and separating out the labels (topics for this example).
In [1]:
import json, re

def clean(txt):
    #clean your data (strip tags, remove number-only words, etc.)
    return txt

def loadCorpus(data_file):
    labels = []
    texts = []
    #load your data
    events = open(data_file).readlines()
    cnt = 0
    processed = 0
    for d in xrange(len(events)):
        cnt += 1
        event = re.sub(r'(\n|\r)+','',events[d].strip())
          json_event = json.loads(event, 'utf-8')
          event = json_event["event"]
          processed += 1
        except Exception, e:
    print str(processed) + " events processed out of " + str(cnt) + " (" + str(float(processed)/float(cnt)) + ")!"
    return labels,texts

labels_train,data_train = loadCorpus("topics_events.json")
116717 events processed out of 120475 (0.968806806391)!

Now let's index the labels and split out chunks for model training and model testing:
In [2]:
import numpy as np

# index the topics, getting unique entries with Python's set object
unique_topics = list(set(labels_train))
labels_train = np.array(labels_train)
labels = np.empty(shape=labels_train.shape)
for c in xrange(len(unique_topics)):
    # use numpy's where function to find and index topics
    labels[np.where(labels_train == unique_topics[c])] = c

X_train = data_train
# set aside test data using about 5% of the full data set
data_len = len(X_train)
tsn = int(data_len*0.05)
# generate a random set of indexes to pluck out for testing
test_samp = np.random.randint(0,data_len,tsn)
# use Python's list comprehension so pull out test data and labels
X_test = [ X_train[i] for i in test_samp ]
Y_test = [ labels[i] for i in test_samp ]
# remove the test data from the training data
Y_train = list(labels)
for s in sorted(test_samp,reverse=True):
    del X_train[s]
    del Y_train[s]

print str(len(X_train)) + " training docs, " + str(len(X_test)) + " testing docs"
print "Topics:"
[str(ut) for ut in unique_topics]
110882 training docs, 5835 testing docs
 'American football',
 'Aquatic sports',
 'Ballroom dance',
 'Cake decorating',
 'Card games',
 'Child care',
 'Creative writing',
 'Cross country running',
 'Cross country skiing',
 'Digital photography',
 'Distance running',
 'Drawing and drafting',
 'Field hockey',
 'Figure skating',
 'First aid and CPR',
 'Flag football',
 'French horn',
 'Hip Hop dance',
 'Ice hockey',
 'Ice skating',
 'Jazz dance',
 'Jewelry making',
 'Mountain biking',
 'Mud running',
 'Percussion and Drumming',
 'Pottery and ceramics',
 'Reading and writing',
 'Sexual health',
 'Strength training',
 'Table tennis',
 'Tae Kwon Do',
 'Tai chi',
 'Tap dance',
 'Tending animals',
 'Trail running',
 'Voice and singing',
 'Wood work',

Then we need to convert our text data into some measureable values that the predictive algorithms can use ("vectorize" the data), and that we think might be predictive.  For this example, we'll tokenize the text with sklearn's CountVectorizer into n-grams of 1-, 2-, and 3-token lengths (ngram_range) and only take tokens appearing in 2 or more documents ("document frequency", min_df):  
In [3]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english',charset_error='ignore',ngram_range=(1,3),min_df=2) 
X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
<110882x479646 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.int64'>'
	with 5200668 stored elements in COOrdinate format>
In [4]:
X_test = vectorizer.transform(X_test)
<5835x479646 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.int64'>'
	with 247403 stored elements in COOrdinate format>
Note that these are now sparse matrices. If you compare the shape of the matrix with the number of elements actually stored, you can understand how useful this type of data representation is.

Now we can build a predictive model.  We'll just use the probabilistic Naive Bayes method good for this type of data, with sklearn's MultinomialNB predictor:
In [5]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
model = MultinomialNB(alpha=.01)
model.fit(X_train, Y_train)
MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01, class_prior=None, fit_prior=True)
Save off the built model so we don't have to repeat the build if we want to do more things with it:
In [6]:
from sklearn.externals import joblib
joblib.dump(model, "models/topics.MultinomialNB.pkl")
Now we can do some prediction on the test set, which the model has never seen, and output the index of the best predicted topic for each entry in the test data:
In [7]:
# do the prediction
pred = model.predict(X_test)
print pred
[ 64.   4.  42. ...,  43.  58.  26.]

Finally, we can review the performance of the model:
In [8]:
# get some performance metrics
from sklearn import metrics

# scores per class, output not printed here to save space
#print  metrics.f1_score(Y_test, pred, average=None)
#print  metrics.recall_score(Y_test, pred, average=None) 
#print  metrics.precision_score(Y_test, pred, average=None) 

# overall scores
print  metrics.f1_score(Y_test, pred)
print  metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test,pred)

# performance by topic
print  metrics.classification_report(Y_test, pred,target_names=unique_topics)
print "Confusion Matrix:"
print  metrics.confusion_matrix(Y_test, pred)
                         precision    recall  f1-score   support

                 Acting       0.97      1.00      0.99        36
               Aerobics       0.77      0.73      0.75        37
                 Aikido       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
      American football       1.00      1.00      1.00        13
         Aquatic sports       0.65      0.76      0.70       186
                Archery       0.97      1.00      0.99        37
              Badminton       1.00      0.93      0.97        15
                 Ballet       0.84      0.97      0.90       301
         Ballroom dance       0.80      0.94      0.86        47
                Bassoon       0.25      1.00      0.40         2
                Bowling       0.94      0.94      0.94        18
                 Boxing       1.00      0.86      0.92         7
                 Bridge       0.90      1.00      0.95         9
                    CPR       0.71      0.79      0.75        19
        Cake decorating       0.89      0.67      0.76        12
             Card games       1.00      1.00      1.00         2
                  Cello       0.72      1.00      0.84        18
                  Chess       0.92      1.00      0.96        12
             Child care       0.96      0.90      0.93       156
                Chinese       0.93      0.87      0.90        15
               Clarinet       0.86      1.00      0.92         6
       Creative writing       0.85      1.00      0.92        28
  Cross country running       0.83      0.83      0.83         6
   Cross country skiing       0.62      1.00      0.77         5
                  Dance       0.90      0.75      0.82       425
    Digital photography       0.76      0.93      0.84        14
       Distance running       0.82      0.99      0.90        97
                 Diving       0.92      1.00      0.96        11
   Drawing and drafting       0.94      0.93      0.94       105
                Driving       1.00      1.00      1.00        15
                Fencing       0.83      1.00      0.91        10
           Field hockey       0.93      0.93      0.93        15
         Figure skating       0.88      0.88      0.88         8
      First aid and CPR       0.85      0.88      0.87        33
          Flag football       1.00      0.92      0.96        38
                  Flute       0.62      1.00      0.76        13
                 French       0.67      1.00      0.80         6
            French horn       0.71      0.83      0.77         6
              Gardening       1.00      0.83      0.91        12
                 Guitar       0.88      0.90      0.89        87
          Hip Hop dance       0.83      0.92      0.87        78
             Ice hockey       1.00      0.82      0.90        11
            Ice skating       0.98      0.98      0.98        88
                 Improv       0.87      0.94      0.91        36
                Italian       1.00      1.00      1.00         7
             Jazz dance       0.71      0.79      0.75        62
         Jewelry making       0.90      1.00      0.95        18
              Jiu-jitsu       0.82      1.00      0.90         9
                   Judo       0.50      0.50      0.50         2
                 Karate       0.98      0.99      0.98        80
               Kayaking       0.91      0.83      0.87        12
             Kickboxing       1.00      1.00      1.00        11
               Knitting       0.86      0.86      0.86         7
           Lifeguarding       0.89      0.93      0.91        43
                  Magic       0.83      1.00      0.91         5
                Massage       1.00      0.89      0.94         9
        Mountain biking       0.91      0.78      0.84        27
            Mud running       1.00      0.82      0.90        11
                  Music       0.91      0.73      0.81       350
               Painting       0.93      0.93      0.93       134
Percussion and Drumming       0.90      0.90      0.90        30
            Photography       0.95      0.83      0.89        24
                  Piano       0.88      0.92      0.90       104
                Pilates       0.85      0.90      0.88        31
   Pottery and ceramics       0.96      0.94      0.95        69
               Quilting       0.94      1.00      0.97        17
    Reading and writing       1.00      0.68      0.81        22
                Sailing       1.00      1.00      1.00         7
              Saxophone       0.75      0.75      0.75        12
              Sculpture       0.71      0.92      0.80        13
           Self-defence       0.97      1.00      0.98        28
                 Sewing       1.00      1.00      1.00        26
          Sexual health       1.00      1.00      1.00         6
          Skateboarding       1.00      1.00      1.00         9
                 Skiing       0.89      0.93      0.91        42
           Snowboarding       1.00      0.89      0.94        19
            Snowshoeing       1.00      0.75      0.86        12
                Spanish       0.99      0.97      0.98       148
      Strength training       1.00      0.75      0.86        20
                Surfing       1.00      0.92      0.96        12
               Swimming       0.95      0.90      0.92      1117
           Table tennis       0.62      1.00      0.77         5
            Tae Kwon Do       1.00      0.98      0.99        42
                Tai chi       1.00      1.00      1.00        52
              Tap dance       0.77      0.85      0.81        48
                  Taxes       1.00      1.00      1.00        13
        Tending animals       0.98      0.98      0.98        51
                 Tennis       0.97      0.99      0.98       233
                Theater       0.80      0.83      0.81        29
          Trail running       0.64      0.78      0.70         9
               Trombone       0.75      1.00      0.86        15
                Trumpet       0.50      1.00      0.67         7
                   Tuba       0.82      1.00      0.90         9
               Tumbling       0.81      0.98      0.89        52
                  Viola       0.65      1.00      0.79        13
                 Violin       0.78      0.89      0.83        35
      Voice and singing       0.62      0.78      0.69        36
              Wood work       1.00      0.94      0.97        16
              Wrestling       0.84      0.94      0.89        17
                   Yoga       0.98      0.98      0.98       312
                  Zumba       0.91      0.98      0.95       186

            avg / total       0.91      0.90      0.90      5835

Confusion Matrix:
[[ 36   0   0 ...,   0   0   0]
 [  0  27   0 ...,   0   1   2]
 [  0   0   5 ...,   0   0   0]
 [  0   0   0 ...,  16   0   0]
 [  0   0   0 ...,   0 307   0]
 [  0   0   0 ...,   0   0 182]]

To serve up prediction, all we need to do is create a server and route, start it up, and hit the endpoint. We'll use the Bottle framework for this example, but for real use you probably want to run with an event loop API like gevent and manage it with a pre-forker like gunicorn (or run it all with uWSGI) and sit it behind nginx.
In [9]:
from bottle import Bottle, run, request, abort, error,HTTPResponse, HTTPError
# initialize the server
app = Bottle()
# define a route to take some GET data
def runPrediction(text_data=''):
    pred_results = {}
    probabilities = []
    pred = None
    probs = None
    pred_results["data"] = text_data
    topic_nm = ""
    topic = None
        X_data = vectorizer.transform([text_data])
        # rerun prediction to get probabilities
        if "predict_proba" in dir(model):
                probs = model.predict_proba(X_data)[0]
                topic = np.argmax(probs)
            pred = model.predict(X_data) 
            topic = int(pred[0])
        topic_nm = unique_topics[topic]
    if probs is not None:
      for pr in xrange(len(probs)):
          prob = round(probs[pr],2)
          # only show if the probability is > 0
          if prob > 0:
            probabilities.append({ "topic": unique_topics[pr], "confidence": prob })
    pred_results["confidence"] = sorted(probabilities, key=lambda k: k["confidence"], reverse=True)
    pred_results["suggestion"] = { "topic": topic_nm, "confidence": round(probs[topic],2) }
    return json.JSONEncoder().encode(pred_results)
In [10]:
# start the server
# hit "http://localhost:3000/pred/topic/I like to run with my socks on and in the rain with a soccer ball and umbrella ok" to predict on that text
run(app, host="localhost", port=3000, debug=True)
Bottle v0.11.6 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:3000/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

localhost.localdomain - - [24/Oct/2013 00:14:47] "GET /pred/topic/I%20like%20to%20run%20with%20my%20socks%20on%20and%20in%20the%20rain%20with%20a%20soccer%20ball%20and%20umbrella%20ok HTTP/1.1" 200 295

API Response:
	"confidence" : [{
			"topic" : "Distance running",
			"confidence" : 0.49
		}, {
			"topic" : "Mud running",
			"confidence" : 0.42
		}, {
			"topic" : "Trail running",
			"confidence" : 0.06
		}, {
			"topic" : "Tennis",
			"confidence" : 0.03
	"data" : "I like to run with my socks on and in the rain with a soccer ball and umbrella ok",
	"suggestion" : {
		"topic" : "Distance running",
		"confidence" : 0.49

We output an overall suggestion, but also the confidence (probabilities) of each topic in case there is other logic you want to implement (like topic weighting, multiple topic assignment, etc.). You can see that it is torn between "Distance running" and "Mud running", which seems appropriate for running in the rain!
Obviously, there are lots of details left out.  In subsequent posts, I'll go into more details for some of these things.  For now, hopefully you've seen that adding some data science means mixing in more considerations for the overall development process, but it turns out to be fairly simple with the right tools.
*Code here runs on Python 2.7.3 64-bit, with numpy 1.6.1, scipy 0.12.0, and sklearn 0.13.1. Ran/formatted with IPython 1.1.0 notebook.

Lessons Learned in API Development

Recently I've been working with some of our legacy APIs - either creating backwards compatible adapters or writing a new improved version of a particular API.  At several points during this time, I've asked myself "What were we thinking?" I'm sure at some point a lot of our API consumers have asked the same thing. To be fair, a lot of these legacy APIs were written to solve a specific business need for different groups. However that doesn't absolve us of any of the blame nor does it ease the pain I'm currently experiencing.

Be Explicit

Our company has a plethora of registration systems that serve a variety of markets.  These registration systems feed their events (assets as we call them) into our directory which is published via our Search API. To get more details on these assets, we provide a Asset Details API which gets further information from endpoints exposed by the different registration systems if they existed.  When we first released the Asset Details API, the underlying endpoint only exposed details from one registration platform. It was our largest platform in terms of number of events and it covered the majority of assets that came back in our search results. We assumed that the 80% coverage would be enough and that our consumers would know that this endpoint only served assets from that one registration platform.  Oops.  Our consumers assumed that any of the assets that came back in results could be fed into this API to get the additional info (of course, this is the correct assumption). We began fielding lots of questions as to why one particular asset had data in the API while others did not. Be explicit in what the endpoint is used for in both the name/url and the documentation of the endpoint.

Separation of Concerns

When an API grows out of an application, there is a temptation to mix the code for both the application and the API since they are essentially using the same things.  Resist that temptation.  You can have them in the same code base and even the same application but make some sort of delineation in your code between the two. If you decided to split the API code into its own project, this separation will make it an easier task. The V1 Search API endpoint used the same url and the same controller as the search.active.com web user interface. All you had to do is change the "v" (view) parameter from "list" to "json" and you were in API mode.  We ended up with a lot of bloated controller code with conditionals everywhere checking to see what view (API vs application) the user is viewing. 

Don't Tie Your API To A Specific Technology

Our V1 Search API was backed by two Google Search Appliances (GSA).  In our API, we allowed GSA specific language in our parameter values instead of abstracting it out to a more neutral format.  For example, to search on an asset's metadata, we provided a "m" parameter whose value was a list of filters:

m=meta:assetId=96d1c440-425d-4dfe-af97-cba325ae73b7 AND meta:city=San%2520Diego

We adopted this approach since it closely mirrored the GSA parameter format and we could just pass the value on through in our query to the GSA. This format was difficult to understand and required double URL encoding of some of the filter values and not of others.  What seemed like a convenience at first turned out to be a bit of a headache.  Another potential problem arises if you happen to switch your backend technology.  Now we had to create code to parse this value, translate it to something our new backend understood, and hoped the new backend supported all of the features.  

Be Consistent

One of the first complaints that we got from our V1 Search API consumers was that several of our fields were inconsistent in the data type that they returned.  If there was one value for the field, it would return just that value.  If there were more than one, it would return an array of values.  This made our clients do a lot of data type checking in their API clients which was unnecessary.  


We provided two views in our V1 Search API - xml and json - which users could switch on based on a parameter value.  We first built the xml view (remember when xml was the future?) using a view template. Later on, we added the JSON view using Google's Gson library and spat out the resulting serialization.  Of course, this lead to inconsistent field names and value data types between the two views. In the rare occurrence when a single client needs to consume both views, these inconsistencies can lead to problems or at least lots of conditional logic in the code.


    "_results": [
              "meta": {
                   "state": "CA",
                   "channel": "Running,

Over the course of the V1 Search API's lifespan, we've had several developers work on various parts of the code. If I hadn't told you that you could mostly likely figure that out on your own.  The dead giveaway - inconsistent casing in the field names in our output.  camelCase, snake_case, ProperCase, oh my!  This is one of those minor issues that will drive your consumers crazy.  With a consistent case for your field names, it makes it easier to deserialize your output into an object in their clients.  It will also eliminate hard to find bugs in client code due to misspellings of field names.

Eat Your Own Dog Food

The most important lesson in all of this is to use the API you are designing. I don't mean write a simple client to hit a few of your endpoints  If you can, consume the API in one of your production applications.  You will not know your API pain points until you are trying to use it in a real world application.  The mistakes we made in our legacy API could easily have been avoided before we released it to the public. 

Once your API is out there to the public, they will use it in ways you never dreamed of, and that's a good thing normally. However if you've built a fragile API, they'll be finding ways to break it that you never dreamed of as well. With careful planning, you can avoid future headaches and pain points.  Moral of the story - don't make the same mistakes we did!

Russian Doll Caching with Elasticsearch

Here at Active, we eat our own dog food, which means our primary data store for information about our events on Active.com comes through the same API that you all use. We’re also religiously focused on improving the load times of our applications, especially of Active.com itself. For those of you who don’t know, Active.com is a ruby application, built with Rails. Like most frameworks, Rails can lose a lot of time to compiling it’s view templates with new information, and we’re no exception. On our event details pages, we spend an inordinate amount of time doing so, then cache it at Memcached for ~15 mins, which helps the overall response times (and during high traffic events). However when people request an event that isn’t already stored at this cache that full recalculation has to occur, which hurts our 98th percentile numbers, and more importantly hurts our users who just come to check out a new event.

This is all made more complicated by the fact that each of our event assets have child assets representing sub events, pricing information, etc. Rails 4 solved this problem by implementing Russian Doll Caching (a nested form of generational caching explained well here). Obviously this would be our first choice, however we would rather avoid linking directly to our database, as we prefer to continue eating our own dog food.

We did come up with a solution, a way to implement the Russian Doll cache on our site and expose it to you all too! The _version field in an ElasticSearch document provides a definitive version for a document. Thus we are now passing that through our api in a new field called “assetVersion” you’ll find in your api calls to Activity Search v2. All children of a given asset will now either be indexed with new guids or their versions will be incremented when they are changed. Roll the cache digests gem in, and you can now construct a functional Russian Doll Caching scheme backed by ElasticSearch.

class EventController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @event = ACTV.event params[:id]
<% cache("event/#{@event.id}/#{@event.assetVersion}") do %>
  <!-- Display Event Information -->
  <% @event.components.each do |component| %>
    <% cache("component/#{component.id}/#{component.assetVersion}") do %>
      <!-- Display Individual Component Information -->
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

So now if the event itself is changed, it will bump the document version without changing the children. So just the section displaying that event information will have to be recompiled, while the others are drawn from Memcached. If the components (in this case the subevents and their pricing) are altered, that individual subevent will fall out due to either it’s guid or it’s document version changing, and the parent document will fall out due to us reindexing it (which bumps it’s assetVersion). Thus only that one subcomponent will be recompiled and the general information will be recompiled while everything else is drawn from Memcached. Additionally the inclusion of the cache digests gem will ensure that your cache keys have the digests of the views appended to the end of them.

Hopefully this will help you if you’re using our Activity Search v2 API or simply if you’re using ElasticSearch as a datastore in your application! 

ACTIVE Network's HACKTIVE Hackathon Winners

HACKTIVE, part of the ACTIVE Next program, was a big success and the first ever event of its kind for ACTIVE, which allowed the public to participate in a company event. Nearly 50 developers joined us over the weekend to hack ACTIVE’s APIs. Saturday morning kicked-off with a keynote from Mark Roebke, Director of Product Innovation at ACTIVE and the brain behind the ACTIVE Next Program. Mark got participants revved up with stories of innovation before the judges were introduced

We had an all-star line-up that included industry leaders from: Mashery, Yahoo!, Aetna, TAO Venture Capital Partners and ACTIVE. The competition started at noon and contestants had 24-hours to develop an original app that was relevant to the theme of getting more people active. Teams came pouring into Co-Merge in downtown San Diego, CA to get setup and find a spot to start hacking. They had help from Neil Mansilla, Director of Developer Platform & Partnerships at Mashery, Cheston Contaoi, President of Driveframe LLC, and Jarred Doss, Product Manager & Developer Evangelist at ACTIVE, who coached and supported contestants through the initial stages of inception, creation and design. They did a great job motivating developers and helping them polish their hacks to prepare for final presentations.

Hackers were doing everything they could to stay awake and comfortable through the 24-hour competition. As the hours passed, snuggies and onesies were used to keep comfy, while others decided to load up on cardiac arrest-enducing amounts of energy drinks. 

The hackathon proved too much for event emcee, Jon Christopher. He couldnt hack it and fell asleep under the warm glow of the neon HACKTIVE sign. HACKTIVE coach, Cheston Contaoi, and hacker, Eric Johnson, balanced Oreo cookies on thier faces just for fun. Watch the video to find out what really happened - Cheston & Eric. There was even a visit from the ghost of HACKTIVE future. There were a few teams that continued to hack all through the night without any shut-eye. 

On Sunday morning, teams begin to focus on finishing up their apps and preparing their presentations. At noon, the contestants presented their apps to the judges. There was an interesting mix of ideas, from getting gamers more active to using activity data to make romantic connections. Winners included:


  • 1st place: ACTIVE Graph

  • Created by Tyler Clemens, Eric Johnson, Trey Gorman & Kevin Brinkley (from left to right in photo below). Social networks like Facebook are mapping the social graph.  ACTIVE Network has the ability to take this a step further and map the activity graph--the relationships between users, their friends, their interests, and the activities in which they participate. Making this graph available across the organization as an enterprise service, using a graph database like Neo4J, opens up a whole new category of connections that can be explored.  Two applications of the graph were demonstrated:  1) recommending networking or meet-up opportunities at an event based on these connections and 2) making targeted event recommendations to users based on friends' interests and activities. Mapping these new connections allows event organizers, media, and ACTIVE Network the ability to leverage this new data to create valuable market opportunities across all of ACTIVE’s platforms. 
  • 2nd place: Spark

  • Created by Caitlin Goldman, Jared Planter & Evan Witte (from left to right in photo below). Spark YOUR Training, Spark YOUR Life. This app allows users to create a profile, add interests and event history, and search for events using ACTIVE’s Activity Search API. It gives you the ability to connect with other users that have similar interests and automatically drives romantic connections based on your ‘spark’ potential. Based on the average user spend in the online dating community, this has huge market value if executed correctly.
  • 3rd place: ACTIVE Analyze

  • Created by Bob Charapata, Daniel Middleton, Jeff Sample & Ryan Sappenfield (no photo, remote team). An Active Network Intranet web application leveraging Microsoft SharePoint self-service business intelligence tools to analyze obesity rates vs. activity participation and other health data. The application queries, in real-time, Active and Mashery API's to return results that are then transformed and loaded into a data model. Users can then create reports and visualizations using a variety of end user BI tools, including; Excel, Power View, Power Pivot and a new Power Map 3D map tool. This data can be used to find new business insights and market opportunities for ACTIVE Network.


  • 1st place: Sports & Dating

  • Created by Bo Li. Sports & Dating is an activity-based dating app, matching singles through sports. Presents your favorite sporting events in the map via the ACTIVE Activity Search API, see how many potential matches have joined the event, then see who is going to the event you are interested in and connecting with others. This app will help to make a dating decision easy and instantly. This will also maximize your chance of meeting someone at an event.
  • 2nd place: Get me ACTIVE!

  • Created by Joel Drotleff. Fully native iOS 7-optimized app to help people search for activities near them, such as biking, little league, running, and more. Makes it easy to visualize events with topic icons on a map (i.e. runner icon for running type events). Once the user has been to an event, they can reward themselves with a badge and picture to remember their accomplishment. 
  • 3rd place: Phat ACTIVE

  • Created by Bret Stateham. Allows users to find events, invite their friends, and then challenge them to a distance run prior to the event. Integrates fitness tracking devices to track challenges prior to the event.


  • 1st place: ACTIVE Calendar

  • Created by Hoa Mai & Nhu-Quynh Liu. Active Calendar allows the user to search for active events on specific dates by simply clicking a day and entering their search keywords. Future plans to integrate external calendars (iCal, Google Calendar, etc) to allow users to plan their activities around their busy lives.
  • 2nd place: ActiBar

  • Created by Pablo Jacome, Yevgeniy Galipchak, Atyansh Jaiswal, Wonsik Min & Alexander Saavedra (from left to right in photo below - Alexander Saavedra was unable to attend the demo). A simple browser add-on or application that makes it easier for the user to find local physical activities that may range from marathon runs, to simple pickup games in various sports. The user will be able to customize their news feed of activities through a series of personalization questionnaires, in which different activities will be presented depending on the time and location of the user.
  • 3rd place: ACTIVE IT

  • Created by Vyshakh Babji & Bharath MylarappaConnect with people around you instantly. Match your interests, contact people in realtime and have fun. Sends an SMS text message when other users signup and select a similar event in your area. Be ACTIVE with others!!!

Mashery Prize:

  • The Mashery Prize was won by & Ronad Castillo for effectively using one of the Mashery API Network APIs to build ACTIVEnieghbor - an app that allows users to connect with like-minded individuals within a certain radius that share a similar fitness goal and schedule a time to workout. User-created events are mixed with ACTIVE Network's events and users are gouged into persistent/anonymous chat to discuss goals and schedule a time to train. The app notifies all users and schedules the events on their calendars allowing for organic social growth based on proximity.
  • Aaron Waldman also won the Mashery Prize for creating the ACTIVE Leaderboard. His app takes a new look at race results. Now organized into a leaderboard with the users Facebook friends, pulling in their race results for comparison. Now you can compare your fastest 5k against your friends, or at the same event.

You can view all the app submissions online at ChallengePost.

Special thanks the sponsors of the event and the guest judges, Erik Suhonen, Jesse Givens, Neil Mansilla, Tom Clancy, and Mark Roebke for offering your expertise and guidance. Of course, a huge thanks to everyone that participated! We couldn't have made the event a success without the hackers. This beta event gave us a lot of key learnings that will allow us to replicate the model and host a global hackathon in the future.  

You can view all the photos and videos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/103184269@N08/

HACKTIVE 2013 starts in 2 days, get ready!!

Hackers get ready! We can't wait to see you this Saturday at HACKTIVE 2013, ACTIVE Network's first 24-hour hackathon event. We hope you are as excited as we are to start hacking the night away, here are some things you should know before you arrive on Saturday...


Co-Merge Workplace

330 A Street 

San Diego, CA 92101


Saturday, Sept. 21 @ 10:00AM

(get there early and claim your space!)


We suggest parking in the garage on Ash between 3rd & 4th Avenue. Rates vary between $5-$12/day. 

Find parking details here: http://www.co-merge.com/parking-at-co-merge/ (Note: parking will NOT be validated--sorry!)



You'll need to submit your application here http://hacktive.challengepost.com by the 12pm/noon deadline on Sunday, September 22. Submissions need to include the following (*optional):

  • Name of your app
  • Description
  • Images or screenshots
  • Video URL* (link to a vimeo or youtube screencast)
  • ZIP*, PDF*, or Word document* that is part of your submission
  • Website URL*
  • Your full name
  • Team members
  • A list all APIs, SDKs, and Datasets used in your project.


  • Check out the schedule at http://developer.active.com/hackathon_2013_schedule
  • Don’t forget to bring your laptop and phone charger
  • If you plan on napping, you might want to bring a pillow and blanket. Although, you'll likely be focused on claiming first place.










Coders Gear Up for HACKTIVE, ACTIVE Network 24-Hour Hackathon

HACKTIVE, ACTIVE Network’s first public hackathon, officially opens its doors in less than two weeks. The 24-hour event will take place September 21st, 2013 to September 22nd, 2013 at Co-Merge in San Diego, California. Developers, designers and entrepreneurs will mashup the ACTIVE APIs along with other datasets as they innovate ways of using technology to connect people with activities and ultimately make the world a healthier place.

In addition to being a breeding ground for innovation and inspiration, the hackathon offers attendees the chance to help make a difference, flex their skills, and compete for over $15k in prizes! Here’s just a taste of what participants have in store:

  • Two days of intensive collaboration, creativity and caffeination
  • An abundance of food, drinks, snacks, and caffeine…thanks to our awesome sponsors
  • Feedback from industry experts in both the local and national tech community
  • Inspiring keynote along with exciting live demos
  • On-site mentoring from passionate hackathon coaches
  • HACKTIVE t-shirt to score some street cred
  • Opportunity to network with accomplished developers as well as up-and-coming tech talents
  • In-person tech support to help troubleshoot
  • Fun and energizing interludes plus some sweet swag giveaways

After the submission phase is complete, teams will have three minutes to present their app. Winning hacks will be determined based on four equally-weighted criteria including design, effective use of the ACTIVE Network platform, utility, and originality of concept.  Demos take place in two rounds, where the top teams will advance and battle it out before a panel of industry experts. Here’s a glimpse at the lineup:


Erik Suhonen - Head of Yahoo! Developer Network, Yahoo! Erik is responsible for managing a vibrant, global ecosystem of 600,000+ technology companies who engage with Yahoo!'s 30+ platforms.
Neil Mansilla - Director of Developer Platform & Partnerships, Mashery Neil is a passionate software engineer and responsible for helping developers discover, learn and utilize the APIs on the Mashery API network.
Jesse Givens – Head of Product for CarePass, Aetna With CarePass, Aetna offers all consumers a solution to achieve their unique wellness goals by connecting to top mobile apps.

It’s not too late to sign up, so make arrangements to meet us there!  Register Now: http://developer.active.com/hackathon_2013

Follow us on Twitter @activeapi for the latest event updates!

How the ACTIVE API Has Helped Win Hackathons in 2013

HACKTIVE is less than a month away, and we couldn’t be more excited for this 24-hour frenzy of coding, collaboration, and caffeine! While this may be ACTIVE Network’s first public hackathon, when it comes to the ACTIVE API, this ain’t its first rodeo. In fact, the Activity Search API has been used to build award-winning apps at numerous hackathons this year alone. Mashery has covered a few of them including last week’s MoDev Hackathon in Seattle, where Bethany Rents (@bethanyrentz) used the Activity API to build her prizewinning app. Built in C# for Windows tablets, To the Finish transforms the experience of training for a marathon or any running event into a social one.


Back in April, two Rutgers students took the title for “Best Use of an API from the Mashery Network,” at the 24-hour student hackathon, HackRU. “Let’s Plan Gen!” built by Joyce Wang and Nikolay Feldman, is an android app that connects users to local happenings, saves ones of interest, and then creates a schedule based on the user's selections. The duo “decided to choose Active because sports activities around the area are not always well-known and publicized enough.” Without any prior experience doing Android programming, both Wang and Feldman found the ease and efficiency of the Activity Search API to be a key component of their success.


And who could forget CouchCachet—the most convenient way of fooling your friends into thinking you’re cooler than you actually are. The mobile app was the Mashery grand prize winner at the foursquare hackathon earlier this year, and created with the help of (wait for it...) the Activity Search API. Harlie, CouchCachet developer explained “CouchCachet allows you to pretend you have a life by checking you in around town while you're still at home.  We then send you a follow up email the next day which contains suggestions for real activities you may want to try doing.  We used your ACTIVE API to populate this email.  It was super easy to use (thanks!) and helped us win the NYC Mashery prize... and were featured in PandoDaily." The team was awarded the opportunity to attend SXSW Interactive and showcase their app in the center ring at Circus Mashimus.

If you haven’t done so already, you should make plans to join us next month at HACKTIVE. Not only will you be competing for a worthy cause, but you’ll also get to hack against the new Activity Search API v2! Now, developers have access to even more events as well as additional flexibility in how they retrieve the data. No matter your skill level, sign up and take part in the awesome innovation happening over the weekend of September 21st-22nd.

We’ll see you in San Diego!

For more information on HACKTIVE or to register, visit http://developer.active.com/hackathon_2013.

7 steps to success: advice every hackathon attendee should hear

Now that registration is officially open for HACKTIVE, our upcoming hackathon event, time is of the essence. With only 24 hours to build your app, how you prepare can make or break your chance at the podium. If you plan to join us this September or are gearing up for another event, there are several measures you can take to maximize your chance at success once the clock starts ticking. Past hackathon champs offer up some of their winning tips:

  • Book early. Have you already registered for HACKTIVE? If so, you’re off to a good start. Despite the upsurge in hackathons happening around the globe, it’s not unusual for events to fill up soon after they are announced.
  • Find libraries in a language you’re comfortable with. “Sometimes API providers aggregate these on their developer site, but searching github usually does the trick too,” explains Microsoft technical evangelist, Stacey Mulcahy.
  • Carefully review the available data sets. Mulcahy also advises developers to “find obscure or interesting API that has lots of data – it will give you more options than an API that has limited endpoints and data.”
  • Make lists. “Have a list of interesting data sources, tools, and ideas before going into a hackathon,” suggests Dan Schultz, creator of the winning hack at the recent Knight-Mozilla Open News Hack Day event. “You can use these to brainstorm new ideas with a team, or just pick a single mission and run with it."
  • Mitigate against an unstable API that could possibly jeopardize your presentation. Winner of two hackathons, James Rutherford, uses his past failure as an example for why it’s important to plan for the worst. “If you see this is a risk, you have the time, and it suits the scope, then you could mock up some quick and dirty fake local stubs to mimic the API. It’s worth your while capturing some API responses during the event for appropriate endpoints so you can swiftly cludge this if pushed.”
  • Take into account how interoperable the API is. Rutherford also recommends to “take time out early on to take a close look at the responses from the APIs, to ensure they’re all usable. For example, there are a raft of ways to specify geolocations – you should ensure that the data formats match the other intended APIs and presentation layers (e.g. map visualisations), or at the least- that you can afford the time to convert between them.”
  • Know the access limitations. A final piece of advice from Rutherford cautions developers to be cognizant of the API request rates and any other types of restrictions they may have. “Some have daily limitations, which could hamper the completion of your project at a late stage- local mockups would be useful here too.”

Check out the full article on Programmable Web: Advice from Hackathon Winners: How to Plan Your Time and Choose the Right APIs

Have you participated in a hackathon before? If so, share some of your tips in a comment below!

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