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Json result sets of > 14 truncated.

    • MichaelJCox
    • Topic created 12 years ago

    Hello All,

    Is anyone else getting their json result set truncated when the number of results is > 14? I've tried calling it through C#, python, and through the Active.com IO-Docs (http://developer.active.com/io-docs), and all are truncating result sets of 15 or more, no matter what the query.

    This must have just started happening at some point today (06/10/2013) because my app was working fine this morning (pulls 100 results and serializes the json to objects). I noticed that later in the day (~4 MST), it was complaining about the json format and crashing.

    Sorry for the cross-postings.

    Thanks, Mike

    Message edited by MichaelJCox 12 years ago

  1. MichaelJCox12 years ago

    I've checked into it some more and 15 doesn't seem to be a hard number. Sometimes it will happen with as few as 11 results requested ("num=11") from my application.

    This morning, I can pull 15 results from the Interactive API I/O docs: api.amp.active.com/search/?v=json&r=50&f=activities&s=relevance&num=15&page=1&api_key=wuhmn9ye94xn3xnteudxsavw

    and get well-formed json, but on 16 the result gets truncated:


    The length of the returned content varies also. It doesn't seem to be hitting a definite character count or anything.


  2. MichaelJCox12 years ago

    I'm seeing truncation on XML result sets also.

  3. atom12 years ago

    I'm seeing the same issue using XML - i tried to reduce the result set by trying smaller values of num (It used to be set to 1000, but I decreased to 100, 25, and 10 and still see the issue)

  4. MichaelJCox12 years ago

    The API looks to be working as expected again (as of 4:30 am MST).

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