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Location Missing

    • Anytime Golfer
    • Topic created 11 years ago

    Sir, We are gathering data to our site (anytimegolfer.com) from your site through API. At first we are getting course locations. Then by locations we are getting courses. With courses we are getting teetimes.

    But problem we are facing is all locations are not there in API. For example - As per 16/04/13, "Detroit, MI" is not present in API, where we are getting location. But still it is searchabale to active.com site and also fetching the course data.

    But if we can't get the locations properly then we are missing courses related to it.

    We are using the following API to get location. Please have a look into this matter -- http://theapi.active.com/golf/GetLocationsForChannel?format=text/xml&channelId=MY_CHANNEL_ID&api_key=MY_KEY_HERE

    Message edited by Anytime Golfer 11 years ago

  1. jarredd11 years ago

    Hi there,

    I'll check with the ACTIVEgolf developer team to understand what is happening in this case. I'll follow up with you asap.

    Best regards, Jarred

  2. jarredd11 years ago

    ActiveGolf.com uses distance calculations to determine which courses are close-by, even if they don't have the same city name.

    We don't provide that functionality directly in the external API (but you can do that on your own using the latitude/longitude values of the Location).

  3. Anytime Golfer11 years ago

    Hello Jarred, Thanks for your reply. I have same functionality on my site (distance calculations). That is not a problem. What I am concerned about if I send a request to active.com


    Then I should get all locations. Correct ? But some locations are missing there. For example Detroit, MI is missing there. Please help.

  4. jarredd11 years ago

    I've looked into your issue and found that we do not actually have locations based on Detroit, MI. You can see this by visiting ACTIVEgolf.com and searching for Detroit,MI (http://www.activegolf.com/teetimes?Date=4%2F30%2F2013&datePicker=4%2F30%2F2013&loc=detroit%2C+mi&coupon=&zipCode=&search=). All the courses listed show locations nearby Detroit, but not labelled as Detroit directly.

    You can view all the courses here: http://www.activegolf.com/home/sitemappage

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