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ACTIVE Network API Developer Blog

Life Fitness Unveils its Open Data Platform

As the first of the year fades in the rearview, most New Year’s resolutions have already been tossed out the window. For many, these 2013 goals involve making more health-conscious choices, whether it’s to shed a few pounds or tackle that first triathlon. With that said, there has been a lot of movement at the corner of health and technology – literally. In 2012, we saw the emergence of popular activity-tracking gadgets like FitBit and the Nike+ FuelBand. In addition to the influx of wearable technology, the health space has also been home to the rise of web-based and mobile apps like RunKeeper, MapMyFitness, and Fitocracy. The running theme (pun intended) – who can create the most engaging and interactive exercise experience that allows users to reach their goals?

In January, Life Fitness announced the launch of its open data platform, making it the first fitness equipment manufacturer to give developers access to its “workout data, workout presets (e.g. age, weight, settings, etc.), and realtime data” via APIs. LFopen will promote app development around their equipment through two APIs – a mobile API for Apple and Android devices as well as a website API. Two apps already utilizing the APIs include Runtastic and Wahoo Fitness, both of which “allow users to track and analyze workouts as well as share progress with friends.”

With health and fitness trends becoming the focus of more and more companies, developers have an opportunity to help connect people with a multitude of ways to stay fit. ACTIVE Access is changing the future of activity by enabling API integration with the most up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive activity directory available, which can ultimately lead to some life-changing apps.

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