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ACTIVE Network API Developer Blog

Golf Tee Times API Service Temporarily Suspended

Dear ACTIVE Network affiliates and partners

As of approximately 3:00 pm Pacific Daylight time on July 18th, 2013, we will be suspending service to the Golf Tee Time API. What does this mean?

  • - No new API keys will be issused at this time.
  • - The Golf Tee Times API will no longer return results
  • - You will likely see an error when making API calls to this API: "596 Service Not Found"

Intermittent issues related to the Golf Tee Times API were reported on July 11th, 2013. We will continue to monitor the health of the systems and continue the problem management investigation – more details may be forthcoming.  We will notify you once the Golf Tee Times API is back online. We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused you or your customers/users/developers. We take these issues seriously and will take corrective actions. 

Should you have any further inquires, feedback, or issues related to this incident, or for non-emergency inquiries please feel free to email support-affiliate@activenetwork.com.

ACTIVE Network