I'm missing something! When I make an API call, the header information says that I should get, say, 5,400 records with 99 records per page. Sweet. Things go well for a while, as I pull, page by page, the data. Then, about 20% of the way into the feed, I run out of data.
So, at page 10 (http://api.amp.active.com/search?f=activities&v=xml&k=&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..2011-02-07&num=99&api_key=xxx&page=10) the header says:
But then page 11 (http://api.amp.active.com/search?f=activities&v=xml&k=&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..2011-02-07&num=99&api_key=xxx&page=11) the header says:
Unfortunately the totalResults number is an exaggerated approximation and tends to be off by the percentage you indicate. We're working on making this number more dependable, but, for now, please treat it as unreliable.
I'm missing something! When I make an API call, the header information says that I should get, say, 5,400 records with 99 records per page. Sweet. Things go well for a while, as I pull, page by page, the data. Then, about 20% of the way into the feed, I run out of data.
So, at page 10 (http://api.amp.active.com/search?f=activities&v=xml&k=&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..2011-02-07&num=99&api_key=xxx&page=10) the header says:
But then page 11 (http://api.amp.active.com/search?f=activities&v=xml&k=&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..2011-02-07&num=99&api_key=xxx&page=11) the header says:
What am I missing?
Message edited by jhkoenig 14 years ago
active Admin – 14 years ago
Unfortunately the totalResults number is an exaggerated approximation and tends to be off by the percentage you indicate. We're working on making this number more dependable, but, for now, please treat it as unreliable.