Using the suggested base URL for campsite photos, I get a valid photo link about half the time. The rest of them 404.
Also, the name of the resource changed from facilityPhoto to faciltyPhoto without warning.
Is this going to be fixed any time soon?
Message edited by mgerring 14 years ago
active Admin
14 years ago
The photos URLs are an issue for us, where, as you've found, a URL will be present but no photo can be retrieved from it. You'll have to take this into consideration with your codebase for the time being unfortunately.
As far as "faciltyPhoto" goes, this attribute has, as far as I can tell, always been misspelled (the documentation we put together a few months ago has the misspelling in it too). At this point, since the API has been published, it's best that we leave it in its misspelled form.
Using the suggested base URL for campsite photos, I get a valid photo link about half the time. The rest of them 404.
Also, the name of the resource changed from facilityPhoto to faciltyPhoto without warning.
Is this going to be fixed any time soon?
Message edited by mgerring 14 years ago
active Admin – 14 years ago
The photos URLs are an issue for us, where, as you've found, a URL will be present but no photo can be retrieved from it. You'll have to take this into consideration with your codebase for the time being unfortunately.
As far as "faciltyPhoto" goes, this attribute has, as far as I can tell, always been misspelled (the documentation we put together a few months ago has the misspelling in it too). At this point, since the API has been published, it's best that we leave it in its misspelled form.