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Camping API returning malformed XML

    • mgerring
    • Topic created 14 years ago

    I'm running a search on the campground API, and both in my browser and in my app, I'm getting a parse error. Here's the exact query I'm using:

    http://api.amp.active.com/camping/campgrounds?landmarkName=true&landmarkLat=36.778261&landmarkLong=-119.4179324&xml=true&api_key=( my key )

    And this is the error:

    error on line 192 at column 1: AttValue: ' expected

    In my Rails app, REXML is throwing this error:

    malformed XML: missing tag start
    Last 80 unconsumed characters:
    &lt;result availabilityStatus=&quot;N&quot; contractID=&quot;NRSO&quot; contractType=&quot;FEDERAL&quot; facilityI</pre>

    I ran a query on the API using ?pstate=CA and it returned results with no problems. What's up with this?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Message edited by mgerring 14 years ago

  1. mgerring14 years ago

    And just for extra WTF value, if I include "json=true" in the query I get properly-formed XML back.

  2. mgerring14 years ago

    One more thing- the forum navigation is also broken. I have to manually put in a "2" to get to the next page.

  3. active Admin14 years ago

    ok, thanks mgerring. I'll work with our guys to check out these issues. It looks like you've got a work around.

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