Say we do a search for races in the US (with a 12 races per page) --
This returns something like this:
{"endIndex":12,"numberOfResults":4180,"pageSize":12,"searchTime":0.122798,"_results":[ ... }
So there should be ceil(4180/12) = pages of results.
However going to page 100 returns nothing:
The search frequently returns nothing as early as the 5th page of the results. And I am using my API key when searching, I took it out for this example.
Message edited by Adam Bailin 15 years ago
active Admin
15 years ago
The "numberOfResults" count is an estimate from our search engine and is often, as you've discovered, inaccurate. What's the nature of your application? Maybe we can help you architect a work around as we've done on
Say we do a search for races in the US (with a 12 races per page) --
This returns something like this:
{"endIndex":12,"numberOfResults":4180,"pageSize":12,"searchTime":0.122798,"_results":[ ... }
So there should be ceil(4180/12) = pages of results.
However going to page 100 returns nothing:
The search frequently returns nothing as early as the 5th page of the results. And I am using my API key when searching, I took it out for this example.
Message edited by Adam Bailin 15 years ago
active Admin – 15 years ago
The "numberOfResults" count is an estimate from our search engine and is often, as you've discovered, inaccurate. What's the nature of your application? Maybe we can help you architect a work around as we've done on