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Duplicate data in Search API

    • Adam B
    • Topic created 15 years ago

    Going through the search API results, I see the following duplicate data:

    location / locationName
    state / eventState
    zip / eventZip
    url / trackbackurl
    eventId / substitutionUrl

    Is it safe to just use one of these fields? Will they always be the same? Should I be using a specific one? Will one of these fields ever get depreciated?

    Thank you,
    Adam Bailin

    Message edited by Adam B 4 years ago

  1. active Admin15 years ago

    good question. the following fields are redundant:

    locationName, eventState, eventZip

    You should use location, state and zip instead. url and trackbackurl can potentially have different values (the "url" might link to the event director's site, while the "trackbackurl" will link to ours). eventId and substitutionUrl are the same only for certain event types, for others they are different. I'd recommend using eventId to get the id for the event. "substitutionUrl" is an internal concept, where "baseUrl" + "substitutionUrl" = absoluteUrl (which is not a field in the response). I recommend ignoring substitutionUrl.

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