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API Date Functions

    • active Admin
    • Topic created 15 years ago

    From Tim:

    I have been trying to get the date functions of the API to work but am having issues. Can you advise? Here is the url i am passing


    Also the 'order' does not appear to be working either.

    Message edited by active Admin 15 years ago

  1. active Admin15 years ago

    Hey Tim,

    Using "startDate" and "endDate" here is the same as saying "show me all marathons that start on date x and end on date y". I think what you're trying to do is get a list of all marathons added to the system since date x. To do this, you'll need to run this query for each date since x (as the Asset Syndication API can only return 1000 results per call):


    Note the "sort" value is set to "startDate" indicating which field to sort on. With "sort" specified, the "order" field works too.

  2. Tim15 years ago

    Okay so I read your post and what I was trying to do was get a list of events for a given timeframe. For example all marathons in sept 2009 50 miles form my ZIP ordered by ASC.

    How would I structure this query?

  3. active Admin15 years ago

    Unfortunately our date range logic is lacking at the moment. You could do this several ways:

    1. run a search for all marathons happening in a given location, i.e. http://api.amp.active.com/assets/running?mediaType=Event\Marathon&zip=55409&distance=50&sort=startDate&order=asc&api_key=rnxjx6ts3pg579gvrbe42qn7, then parse out those happening in September.

    2. run a search for each day in the date range:




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