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Age group search for tennis

    • Jeff
    • Topic created 6 years ago

    I'm having a problem searching by age group for tennis tournaments.

    The following query (my API key is scrubbed) without an age group filter works great: http://api.amp.active.com/v2/search?api_key=xxxx&asset.assetMediaTypes.mediaType.mediaTypeName=Tournament&category=event&current_page=1&exclude_children=true&near=Lombard%2C+IL&per_page=20&radius=50&sort=date_asc&start_date=2018-05-24..2018-06-14&topic=Tennis

    It returns many results, including some with the following data: "assetAttributes": [ { "attribute": { "attributeType": "Age group", "attributeValue": "14 and under", "tagId": "271769" } } ]

    If I then add the "Age group" filter to my query with a value of "14 and under", I get 0 results. Here's an example of that query:


    Am I using the age group attribute syntax incorrectly? Can you have spaces in the age group value?

    Message edited by Jeff 2 years ago

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