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Developer Inactive xml

    • Chuck
    • Topic created 8 years ago

    I am trying to view the available topics here http://api.amp.active.com/v2/assets/topics and keep receiving xml back that says Developer Inactive. I am able to query results with my key with no problem.

    Message edited by Chuck 2 years ago

  1. astarnes8 years ago

    Adding your API key to the URL will return results. http://api.amp.active.com/v2/assets/topics?api_key=[Your API key]

  2. Re2qa8 years ago

    I am getting Developer Inactive as response when I try to call any API URL. Please guide me what I am doing wrong. I need to fetch latest events.

  3. andrescruz7 years ago

    Was there ever a solution for this? I'm encountering the same issue.

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