I'm getting this error while hitting the campground API. I've registered a 2nd test key and that gets the same error. It had been working fine as recently as last week. Ideas??
I'm getting the same thing for a few days now and in my account status my account shows as 'disabled'. My key had been working fine for 5 months. Please HELP!!!!
10 years ago
@gardepot, I've also emailed "support-affiliate@activenetwork.com" about this around noon CDT today. If/when I hear back, I'll update here.
10 years ago
@Ausarb, I got a response from my affiliate rep: "All API access has been shut down until the new year". There was no more detail provided to me.
I'm getting this error while hitting the campground API. I've registered a 2nd test key and that gets the same error. It had been working fine as recently as last week. Ideas??
Specifically: http://api.amp.active.com/camping/campground/details
Message edited by Ausarb 10 years ago
gardepot – 10 years ago
I'm getting the same thing for a few days now and in my account status my account shows as 'disabled'. My key had been working fine for 5 months. Please HELP!!!!
Ausarb – 10 years ago
@gardepot, I've also emailed "support-affiliate@activenetwork.com" about this around noon CDT today. If/when I hear back, I'll update here.
gardepot – 10 years ago
@Ausarb, I got a response from my affiliate rep: "All API access has been shut down until the new year". There was no more detail provided to me.