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Get Park Name with Campground Name

    • Andre Kvaternik
    • Topic created 12 years ago

    Is there any way to get a list of the owning facility name (i.e. park name) when retrieving a list of the campgrounds?. For example, Yosemite National Park has multiple campgrounds, but the campground api returns the just campground name, but not the park that 'owns' the campground (i.e Upper Pines campground is listed, but not Yosemite National Park.). In most cases it is the same name as the 'facilityname', but not for the larger parks where there are multiple campgrounds within the park. Is there a field that identifies the park name that is not being shown.

    Example for Upper Pines campground at Yosemite:

    <result agencyIcon="" agencyName="" availabilityStatus="N" contractID="NRSO" contractType="FEDERAL" facilityID="70925" facilityName="UPPER PINES" faciltyPhoto="/webphotos/NRSO/pid70925/0/80x53.jpg" latitude="37.7361111" longitude="-119.5625" regionName="" reservationChannel="" shortName="CG65" sitesWithAmps="N" sitesWithPetsAllowed="Y" sitesWithSewerHookup="N" sitesWithWaterHookup="N" sitesWithWaterfront="" state="CA"/>

    You have this association somewhere in your system, because if you go to make a reservation for Yosemite, it lists all the campgrounds within the park as your choices. I'm trying to setup a database that has facilities (state and national parks) that own the campgrounds Inside of them.

    Message edited by Andre Kvaternik 12 years ago

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