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SearchAPI returning old results

    • Akhil
    • Topic created 12 years ago


    I making this call : http://api.amp.active.com/search?&v=json&api_key=rm4agnjv6k4m4tvpft95xvbn&?k=Fall+Classic&m=meta:channel=Cycling&l=94587&r=20

    Now the result that I get has mostly the old events(events already concluded). I tried different zip codes but most of the time out of 10 results 8 are old while 2 are future events. Am I making a wrong call? Is there a workaround? Please advice.

    Message edited by Akhil 12 years ago


  1. jarredd12 years ago

    Hi Akhil,

    If you are looking for events that are happening in the future, try adding a date filter in your API call: http://api.amp.active.com/search?&v=xml&api_key=rm4agnjv6k4m4tvpft95xvbn&?k=Fall+Classic&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..+meta:channel=Cycling&l=94587&r=20

    You'll notice that I added this to the call the search for events happening from today to the future...



    Let me know if this helps you find the correct events.

    Best regards,


    Technical Account Manager, ACTIVE Network

  2. Akhil12 years ago

    Thanks Jarred, it helped a lot. I have published my app on Google play, it is called Stay Active.I would love to hear your feedback.

  3. jarredd12 years ago

    Glad to hear that was helpful! I'll take a look at the app and message you some feedback.



    Technical Account Manager, ACTIVE Network

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