Any ideas? This is not just for 1 asset, I have a list of about 100 it is happening for.
Any ideas?
Message edited by joannpav 13 years ago
13 years ago
I'm having the same issue for some assets too
13 years ago
Hello Joannpav & ShopBongo,
We apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently in the process of updating our ‘Asset Details API’. The summary information is being integrated into our new system to be more accurate and provide further detail. During this update, you may notice that approximately 20% of the assets available in the API will have missing information. Don’t worry, this issue will be resolved over the coming weeks as we wrap up development.
I am trying to get the asset detail and for some assets, I consistently get a 500 error returned from the server, here is an example:<my key>
Any ideas? This is not just for 1 asset, I have a list of about 100 it is happening for.
Any ideas?
Message edited by joannpav 13 years ago
ShopBongo – 13 years ago
I'm having the same issue for some assets too
jarredd – 13 years ago
Hello Joannpav & ShopBongo,
We apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently in the process of updating our ‘Asset Details API’. The summary information is being integrated into our new system to be more accurate and provide further detail. During this update, you may notice that approximately 20% of the assets available in the API will have missing information. Don’t worry, this issue will be resolved over the coming weeks as we wrap up development.
If you request content from the Details API, and it is from an asset type that has not yet been updated, you will receive a 500 error with no content in the body. Here's an example:{insert_your_Active.com_Asset_Details_API_key}
You can still make calls to the Asset Details API, however, please be aware that there may be some missing information/details on some of the events.
I will make sure to notify you once the development is complete and all assets return valid information for your Asset Details API calls.
Best Regards,
Technical Account Manager, Active Network
jarredd – 13 years ago
The enhancement to the Asset Details API has been deployed to production. You may now make calls and have valid data for the assets through this API.
Technical Account Manager, Active Network