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Campground finder Android Application

    • vineet
    • Topic created 13 years ago

    Hey everyone I have released an Android application called "Campground finder" which uses active campground api.

    Application is free of cost and ads free.

    Link : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.ieveryday.campgroundsearch&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5pZXZlcnlkYXkuY2FtcGdyb3VuZHNlYXJjaCJd

    Please kindly review the application and notify me for any bugs changes or modification

    Thnx, -Vineet Rao

    Message edited by vineet 13 years ago

  1. vineet13 years ago

    Hey the application is doing well in market its already 600+ downloads in 3 weeks. Tho am getting lots of request from user to provide search by city parameter, can it be implemented on current api ?

    I have gone thru the discussion in campground api comments and i understand the problem with campgrounds on border of cities. Can it be implemented in such a way that a city name will be mapped with its latitude and longitude of center point of that city.

    On search, closest campground from center will be displayed first. You can also set the radius size according to the city size if possible.

    Please let me know if this or any other method is possible.

    My application is still in beta phase am gonna roll out a better version before summer please i need some help.

    -Thank you

  2. Jessica B13 years ago


    I am looking into your inquiry with our development team and hope to get you a response soon.

    Thank you for your patience in the meantime,


  3. Jessica B13 years ago


    The Campground Search API uses the same parameters as the Find Campgrounds form on RA.com (e.g. http://www.reserveamerica.com/campgroundSearch.do) If you can do a search using that form, you can use the same parameters to do a search with the API. The opposite is also true -- there are no parameters in the API beyond what are in that form, so if you can't find it there it's not available. All the parameters in the API have the same name as the input and select elements found in the Find Campgrounds form. And the required and prerequisite values follow the way the HTML form works. If there is a checkbox that must be checked on the form to expose an input (e.g. "spot with..." checkbox must be 'true' to get to "Length(ft)" input) a parameter with the same name (e.g. 'expfits') must be set 'true' to use to parameters under it. (e.g."...expfits=true&eqlen=30" to find campgrounds accommodating 30 foot RVs). In summary: Figure out what the Find Campgrounds form sends to do the search you want and you'll know how to use the API to do the search you want.

    There is one special note for the "Near" input ('landmarkName' parameter). "Near" gets some client side assistance from Google to provide the Lat and Long of location names entered. To request Campgrounds near a location in the API, the actual Latitude and Longitude must also be provided in the 'landmarkLat' and 'landmarkLong' paramters (in decimal format). A set radius is used for these "Near" searches (currently 200 miles), but linear distance from origin is provided (miles) so that results can easily be filtered to a smaller radius.

    Thanks so much and I hope this helps.


  4. Aadamgibson13 years ago

    Campground Finder is Great application it’s very simple for downloading and functionality is very advanced.

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