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ActiveGolf.com API

    • sobha
    • Topic created 13 years ago


    ---> We want to display the courses which are near to end user locations

    For this we are able to get the list of locations. But we need location id by address (latitude and longitude) to get the relevant course tee times.

    ---> Is there any way to get the courses which are having some discounts related to tee times. if yes then please do let us know how do we get them.

    Regards, Sobha

    Message edited by sobha 13 years ago

  1. Jessica B13 years ago


    The API call GetLocationsForChannel (http://theapi.active.com/golf/GetLocationsForChannel?format=text/xml&channelId=84&api_key={key})

    does return the golf facilities longitude and latitude coordinates. Here is an example result-

    <Location> <Address1>8505 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy</Address1> <Address2 /> <Address3 /> <City>Kissimmee</City> <Country>United States</Country> <LatitudeInDegrees>28.346993</LatitudeInDegrees> <LocationId>13</LocationId> <LongitudeInDegrees>-81.628075</LongitudeInDegrees> <Name>Orange Lake Resort</Name> <PhoneNumber>407.239.1050</PhoneNumber> <State>FL</State> <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone> <WWWAddress>http://www.golforangelake.com</WWWAddress> <ZipCode>34747-8201</ZipCode> </Location>

    On the question of discounts. The API call ListTeeTimes does return a suggested retail price <RegularGreenFee> and a selling price <SellforRiding> of <SellforWalking>. You should be able to then calculate a savings from this. Typically it is up to the course to create and post discounts and specials.

    Thanks, Jessica

  2. sobha13 years ago


    I don't want all the locations. I need location by an end user IP Address.Is this possible? if yes, Please let me know.

    Thanks, Sobha

  3. Jessica B13 years ago

    Hi Sobha,

    Our API provides all of the Longitude/Latitude information for all of our golf locations in our network. You can then store this information and based on the IP address information from the guest you can then see what courses are within their search criteria and present back those tee times.

    We do not have an actual API call where an affiliate passes us the consumer's Longitude/Latitude information and we then return results. That would be managed on your side.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions at this time.

    Thanks, Jessica

  4. sobha13 years ago


    Can we display the icons($, star & moon) based on features of course/tee times which most of the websites display.Please do review following url for an idea. http://www.golflink.com/golf-courses/golf-tee-times/teetime.aspx?course=796945

    Regards, Sobha

  5. Jessica B13 years ago


    I have sent this inquiry onto our team here, but due to the Holiday schedule we may not be able to respond until the New Year. I will follow up with you when I hear back. In the meantime, Happy Holidays!


  6. Jessica B13 years ago

    Hi Sobha,

    Happy New Year! I was able to connect with the team today and currently, our API does not pass back the information on the green fees (what we call rate attributes), but we have added this to our queue of requests and will look to get this feature added in the future.


  7. sobha13 years ago


    I got the below link for booking


    But after clicking on the click i got an error saying that "We're sorry but the tee-time you were looking for is no longer available. Please try another tee-time below."

    is there any problem in the url which i am getting?

    Regards, Sobha

  8. Jessica B13 years ago

    Hi Sobha,

    Thank you for sending us this link.

    The URL you have looks correct, we just changed the date to 05 instead of 04. However, the rate you have in the URL ($12.20) does not match what the course is selling for ($61.00). If we manually update the URL to say 61.00 then it works. Can you send us the URL you are using to get the list of tee times so we can ensure the API call is working correctly?

    Thanks, Jessica

  9. sobha13 years ago

    Hi Jessica,

    1.How can i know if the tax included or not with in the price? 2.can i get the information if the course allowing "including cart and range balls".

    Regards, Sobha

  10. Jessica B13 years ago

    Hi Sobha,

    1. Tax is currently not exposed in the API, but is included in amounts to be paid online, but typically excluded on amounts to be paid at the golf course (where the golf course will add their applicable tax to the amount listed in the API/web site).

    2. At the moment we don't have that information available on the API. That information can be optionally added to the rate components, but currently that is only visible on our web site, not exposed in the API.

    Thanks and please let me know if you need anything else.


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