We are developing the application and using the events search by city. The issue is that we get a lot of events that are rather far from requested location.
Here is the sample link where I'm trying to limit events to Boston, MA. But in the results I see events from Maine, California, etc. http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=Boston,+MA,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234
I tried to limit search by using postal zip, but it returns the same result: http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=02101,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234
Decreasing the radius also doesn't solve the problem.
Message edited by Andrey 13 years ago
Andrey – 13 years ago
I've missed the semicolon in the parameter name. My bug. Close the topic, please.
active Admin – 13 years ago
Ok, glad you found the problem. Let us know if we can help any further.
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We are developing the application and using the events search by city. The issue is that we get a lot of events that are rather far from requested location.
Here is the sample link where I'm trying to limit events to Boston, MA. But in the results I see events from Maine, California, etc. http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=Boston,+MA,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234
I tried to limit search by using postal zip, but it returns the same result: http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=02101,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234
Decreasing the radius also doesn't solve the problem.
Message edited by Andrey 13 years ago
Andrey – 13 years ago
I've missed the semicolon in the parameter name. My bug. Close the topic, please.
active Admin – 13 years ago
Ok, glad you found the problem. Let us know if we can help any further.