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Problem with the location filter

    • Andrey
    • Topic created 13 years ago


    We are developing the application and using the events search by city. The issue is that we get a lot of events that are rather far from requested location.

    Here is the sample link where I'm trying to limit events to Boston, MA. But in the results I see events from Maine, California, etc. http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=Boston,+MA,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234

    I tried to limit search by using postal zip, but it returns the same result: http://api.amp.active.com/search?v=xml&;l=02101,+US&r=25&num=1000&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:09/07/2011..09/19/2011&api_key=1234

    Decreasing the radius also doesn't solve the problem.

    Message edited by Andrey 13 years ago

  1. Andrey13 years ago

    I've missed the semicolon in the parameter name. My bug. Close the topic, please.

  2. active Admin13 years ago

    Ok, glad you found the problem. Let us know if we can help any further.

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