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Simple Registration Link

    • iPlayOutside
    • Topic created 14 years ago

    I want to create a link from our site to the registration page on Active as an affiliate. Currently we simply use the Active URL for the details page:


    First question is would we need to go directly to this event's Registration page to qualify for affiliate program commissions? That would be this URL:


    Now, do I need to go through a the search API to get additional information? If so, in the search API doc I could not find a way to request information on an exact event, say by EVENT_ID.

    You'd think this would be rather simple to do, we already are registered and have our affiliate ID and API key.

    Message edited by iPlayOutside 14 years ago

  1. active Admin14 years ago

    Sorry about the delayed response here. In order to receive affiliate credit, you'll need to associate your affiliate ID to the Search API key on http://developer.active.com/apps/mykeys. After you do this, you'll notice the URLs returned by the Search API change and have the word "tantracking" in them. You'll want to render these links on your site, as they provide the mechanism through which you are given credit for the referral to Active.com.

    The "tantracking" links take the user to what we call the event details page, i.e. http://www.active.com/running/wheeling-wv/auggies-5k-run-and-walk-2011, after a series of redirects. From there, it's up to the user to register for the event. And when he does, you receive credit.

    Unfortunately, deep linking directly to http://www.active.com/register/index.cfm?EVENT_ID=1976909&CHECKSSO=0 bypasses our affiliate tracking mechanism, and you won't get credit for the referral and subsequent registration. So you'll need to use the "tantracking" link on your site instead.

    If you want to get more information about a specific event (asset), use the Asset Details API. You'll have to use the assetID as the key (returned by the Search API), as eventID is not guaranteed to be globally unique.

  2. iPlayOutside14 years ago

    Okay, but I still have the question on how to use the search API to get info for an exact event match. I don't want to search by keyword, location, etc. I know I want the details on, for example, this event: http://www.active.com/running/wheeling-wv/auggies-5k-run-and-walk-2011 How can I use the search API to just retrieve the info on that event and that event alone.

  3. active Admin14 years ago

    You have a couple of options. You could use the Search API, and its meta filters, to search for a specific asset ID. Given assetID "458575e1-9a03-41f2-a550-54f728890556", you'd construct a query that looks like this (note the "-" are double URL encoded):


    Or, you could use the Asset Details API to query data about a specific asset, http://developer.active.com/docs/read/Activecom_Asset_Details_API_Reference

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